Page 30 of Black Dog

“What’s that?”

“If your people are going to bring him into my house, they’d better get him out when they’re done.”



Stone sat at the table in his conference room with two detectives and stared at Edwin Charles Jr.

“Are you represented by Stone Barrington?” Detective Casey asked him.

“Yes, I am,” Eddie replied.

“No, he is not represented by me,” Stone said.

“Stone, just for the purpose of this interrogation, will you represent him?”

“Oh, all right. You can’t ask him any questions if I don’t. After this chat he’ll have to find another attorney.”

“Good,” Casey said, turning his attention to Eddie Jr. “Now...”

“Eddie,” Stone said.

The young man’s head swiveled Stone’s way. “Yes, Stone?”

“Don’t answer that question, or any other question thepolice ask you, until we can get an attorney who will accept your case.”

Eddie turned back to face Casey. “Okay, what do you want to know?”

Casey pressed a button on a recorder. “Where have you been for the past three days?” he asked.

“Don’t answer that, Eddie,” Stone said.

“At my house in East Hampton.”

“He doesn’t have a house in East Hampton,” Stone said.

“Are you trying to convict him for us?” Casey asked.

“No, I want nothing to do with him.”

“You said you’d represent him for the purpose of this interrogation.”

“Yes, well, I did my duty by telling him not to answer anything, as any good lawyer would do. My mistake was in thinking that he would do as I told him.”

“If he wants to answer, I’m not going to stop him.”

“Eddie, you don’t have a house in East Hampton,” Stone said. “Your stepmother cut you out of her will, so everything she has goes to Joan Robertson. It’s Joan’s house now.”

“Nevertheless,” Eddie said, “that’s where I was. At 69 Further Lane.”

“Was anyone there with you?” Casey asked.

“Yes, a girl named Flamingo Flame.”

“That’s her stripper name,” Stone said. “What did her mother name her?”

“I never knew her mother,” Eddie replied. “Anyway, her mother wasn’t there.”