Page 91 of They Never Tell

Dr. Gordon stood. “Thanks for having me. I know I haven’t usually been available to come to the meetings, but I thought it was important to be here. Y’all have said it’s a family, and…I guess I need to be around family right now.”

Marcus nodded. “We’re here for you. I guess we can start by opening up the floor for comments.”

Dwight spoke first. “Robert, man, I just wanna say how sorry I am. I know it’s been hard. We all loved Jace like he was our own. He was so talented and focused, he was like a machine on that field. And I had the opportunity to see him in the jazz concert a few months back. Excellent.”

Dr. Gordon smiled. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

“Is there anything we can do for you and the family?” Iesha asked.

“Just keep us in your prayers. We need ‘em.”

“Definitely, definitely. Are you guys okay on money?” Joe said.

“Oh yeah, we’re good. I appreciate the thought, though, man.”

Ladonna was uncomfortable. It took her a minute to pinpoint the source of that discomfort, but once she realized it, the guilt was close behind.

Nicole Faust.

They’d never had a meeting to discuss ways to supporther. They didn’t so much as send a bouquet of flowers. And why not? What was the difference? She suffered just like the Gordon family was suffering, but they failed her when she needed them. So much for family and community.

“I never believed what they were accusing him of,” April was saying. “I don’t know how everybody else feels, but I think the police drove him to this. We all know what happens to our boys. They set out to get them, and put them in the system.”

Marcus nodded. “I agree. I didn’t believe it for a second.”

Dr. Gordon sighed. “I appreciate that. The thing is…I knew Jace very well. He was a troubled young man.”

“Really? I never saw him that way,” Ladonna said.

“Yeah, me either,” Pam agreed.

“He was good at hiding that side of himself," Dr. Gordon explained. "He didn’t get close to people, especially kids his own age. That always frustrated me. But I think maybe that was an early sign that I missed.”

“Sign of what?” Detric said.

“I don’t know…that maybe he was a little unstable in some ways. Don’t get me wrong, he was a good kid. He was just in his head a lot. Always quiet, always watching everybody else. I never really knew where his mind was at.”

Ladonna was surprised that she felt defensive. “He was quiet, but always very polite. We—”

“He had his polite moments. I’m just saying, y’all knew what he showed you. I knew therealJace.”

Marcus was frowning. “What are you saying, Bobby?”

Dr. Gordon snapped to attention like he was waking up from a dream. “Nothing. Jace…uh…he was a good kid. Thank you for your kind words.”

Everyone sat in uncomfortable silence. Ladonna looked at her husband and waited for him to say something to get them all past this awkward moment, but Marcus seemed to be unable to speak. She couldn’t blame him. Something was very wrong here.

“Well,” Ladonna said, “I think you’re handling this very well, Bobby. But please don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.”

“Well actually, there is one thing y’all could do if the need arises.”

Everyone listened expectantly, eager to go home and bake a casserole or a cake and schedule time to call and check on the Gordons. Maybe some of them could even take on some of the administrative duties at school so that Bobby could take a little personal time. Ladonna couldn’t wait to get started helping.

Bobby had other ideas.

“The police might come sniffing around asking questions about my family. They still have it in their heads that Jace hurt that girl, but now they’re even trying to pin something on me. So if they bother y’all, please don’t hesitate to tell them to go to hell. You don’t have to talk to them.”

Joe sat up on the couch and leaned forward on his elbows. “Wait a second. Pin something onyou? Why the hell would they do that?”