Page 96 of They Never Tell

Marcus stood to his feet and stretched, and Ladonna’s heart began to race. She swallowed nothing and felt fire in her throat. She’d never felt this way about him before. She’d been scared, sure, like when she dented her three day old Mercedes, or when she turned her back and Carmen fell off the bed and had to go to the emergency room for a CAT scan. But those were fears of judgment. This fear was fear that he could hurt her.

She inched backward, sinking further into the couch cushions. He stared down at her, disgust all over his face, and then he turned and walked into the kitchen. She heard his cabinet door open and allowed herself to relax. Just a little. But it was short-lived.

He stormed back into the living room and came to a stop directly in front of her. A drop of Bourbon escaped his glass and landed on her thigh. “I just wanna know one thing, Lady.Why?”

Would it be better to answer, or not to answer? She wasn’t sure. She stared at the wet spot on her jeans before looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “I don’t know.”

He took a drink. “I don’t know, either. I wracked my brain, and I just can’t seem to figure that shit out. I mean…I gave you everything. A big house, a nice car, a family. And it still wasn’t enough.”

To her surprise, he no longer seemed angry. Her body was still tense, though, adrenaline rushing through her, when she heard footsteps. Two sets.

Carmen was first into the room. “Mom, Daddy, she has something to tell y’all.”

“We’re in the middle of something right now,” Marcus said, his eyes still trained on his wife.

“It’s important.” Carmen pushed Bria forward and whispered something in her ear. Bria nodded.

“Um…well…I don’t know how—”

“Baby, spit it out. We don’t have all night,” Marcus said.

She pressed her lips together, then opened her mouth again after feeling Carmen's elbow in her side. “Dr. Gordon…he um…he tried to kiss me.”

“What!” Marcus yelled, slamming his glass on the coffee table. Bourbon went everywhere. “When was this?”

Carmen nudged her sister again. “Tell them the truth, Bri.”

“Okay, he kissed me. It was a few months ago. After a game.”

“That motherfucker!” Marcus yelled again, his fists balling up so tight, his knuckles seemed as if they would pop through his skin. “Sat up in my motherfucking house!” He turned to Bria. “Did he do something else?”

“No, Daddy, that was it, I promise.”

Marcus paced the length of the room before walking out and grabbing his keys off the hall table.

Ladonna jumped out of her seat. “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know. I got to get up out of here before I lose my damn mind.” He shoved his socked feet into his Nike slides and walked toward the garage door. He gave Ladonna one last look before he walked out, followed by a chilling message.

“I’ll deal with you later.”


WebbcalledLincolneveryhour on the hour. The district attorney finally answered at 4 pm.

“Did you get a chance to look at the case file?” Webb said.

“I did.”


Lincoln sighed loudly. “And the most I can go for at this point is sexual misconduct. And that’s if any of these girls are willing to testify.”

“What about the murder?”

“Flimsy. Very flimsy.”

“Come on, man. She texted him with directions on where to go.”