He slipped the syringe back into his pocket then reached out and grazed his fingers along my cheek.

My body from shuddered at the contact. It was like slugs sliding down my skin.

He dropped his hand and nodded to the man who was still slightly hunched over, his breathing labored.

The man—Sergio—glared at me as he grabbed my wrists roughly and shoved me forward. I wanted to fight him. I wanted to do something—anything—as he pushed me into the dark, cavernous interior of the warehouse.

But I didn’t fight him.

I went willingly. Pathetically.

Like a lamb to the slaughter.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Noise came from inside Raven’s hotel room.

Someone was inside.

I wasn’t too late.

I drew my gun and crossed the hallway in four long strides, squaring my shoulders. I was ready to do whatever it took to keep her safe, to defend her, to protect her.

Not because I enjoyed it, or because I relished the buzz of a kill snaking through my veins.

I thought of the way her lips slightly parted when she was asleep, and the way her chest felt pressed against mine, and the way her breath hitched whenever she looked at me.

I wanted Raven alive and safe.

It was all that mattered.

Outside the doorway, I saw a spatter of blood on the carpet. My stomach turned in a way it never had before. A lump formed at the back of my throat as a single thought pushed itself at the forefront of my mind.

Is it hers?

I rounded the doorway, peering into the empty hotel living room. Empty but for the specks of blood that stood out in sharp contrast against the pale carpet near the back wall.

The lump at the back of my throat grew as I stepped inside. I could feel it—the strange sensation that something terrible had happened here.

If they hurt her, if they…

The room grew hazy as something hot and violent pounded through my veins.

Footsteps sounded in one of the rooms down the hall. I snapped my head to the right.


I shut my eyes as I said a silent prayer.

A blonde stepped out, her face stained with tears. The minute our eyes locked, her face contorted.

“You,” Greta hissed, storming straight at me.

If there had been any doubt in my mind about what happened to Raven, it vanished as Greta stared me down, her hazel eyes snapping with sorrow and anger.

The open door.