“You don’t think you’re human?”

Nico was capable of great violence.

But as the days came and went, his shadow slowly faded, until only a dangerous glint in his eyes remained. It was a warning, a predator warding off a prey.

It was gone when he spoke with Antonio the other night, or when he answered Gabe’s calls.

And when he looked at me, his eyes glittered like the moon on a dark night.

Nico was capable of great violence, but I thought this was only possible because he was capable of great love.

I remembered reading about vampires and how theydidhave hearts. They just didn’t need to pump oxygen through their bloodstreams. Essentially, there was just noneedfor their hearts to beat.

“I am what I am,” he said thinly,ice-thin.

“I don’t think you’re a monster,” I said, hoping it broke the sheet of ice that caged his heart.

He was silent for a moment.

I was just beginning to wonder if there was a draft out here when the slightest upturn lifted the corner of his lips. “Just a vampire?”

I laughed softly. “I do believe I have an Edward Cullen poster stashed somewhere in my room…”

He flashed me a toothy grin. “I’d like you to come with me to dinner with my family this evening, Raven.”

My heart raced. I could feel my pulse in my temples. Not so long ago, it was precisely what I wanted. But even if I hadn’t laid my ridiculous plan to rest, I couldn’t do it, not now. I couldn’t—wouldn’t—use Nico that way.

“I’d love to,” I said.

He smiled wryly. “I’d hold the comments until after you’ve spent an evening with the Costas. We’re more like the Sopranos than the Brady Bunch.”

I took his hand, keeping my gaze fixed on the twirling blade of grass between his fingers, suddenly shy. “Well then, take me to meet Tony.”

His grip tightened around my fingers, but when I chanced a glance up, the look in his eyes said his mind was faraway.


I sat on the edge of my bed while Greta ran a brush through my freshly washed hair with slow, even strokes. The tangles were long gone, but she kept going, making my scalp tingle.

I couldn’t imagine what I would have done without her.

“Thank you, Greta.” The words just bubbled up and spilled out.

“You know I love you, babe.” She kissed the top of my head then went back to brushing my hair. “But you didn’t answer my question.”

I told her about Dom.

“I’m feeling… I don’tknowhow I’m feeling. He didn’t know the truth. None of them knew, except for my mother.” I shrugged, trying to brush off the hurt that ran bone-deep. “Dominic never forgot about me,” I said, letting that truth assuage some of it.

“But you didn’t see the rest of them?” she asked as she started to twist and pin my hair into some elaborate updo at the crown of my head.

I shook my head. “Not yet.”

When I was at the park earlier with Nico, I decided that I wanted to see my family. I’d put it off long enough.

“I’m going to tell Nico the truth tonight,” I told Greta with a confident nod that belied the way my stomach churned at the thought.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” she asked.