“They’re pieces of paper, Raven,” he said like he really believed it. “And that wasn’t what I was asking. I meant, what was your favorite TV show as a kid?”

“Oh, okay, but you can’t laugh,” I said, moving back into more comfortable territory.

He grinned. “I make no promises.”

“I didn’t have a favorite ‘show,’ but I was kind of obsessed withStar Wars. I watched the movies over and over again. My mother—” The rest of the words got stuck behind the lump that formed suddenly in my throat.

I looked away, trying to get a hold on my emotions, but he took my chin gently between his fingers and turned my face toward him. Then he kissed me, brushing his lips across mine before settling against them. It wasn’t like his usual kisses. Those were fiery, or demanding, or teasing. This was something else, something softer, and I melted into him as his lips seemed to suckle the sadness away. By the time he pulled back, my whole body tingled with awareness and the lump in my throat had vanished.

“So, you had a crush on Luke Skywalker?” he asked with a lopsided grin.

I laughed. “No. Han Solo, but that man’s got nothing on you.” I glanced over the sculpted planes of his body, noticing that his cock had already begun to thicken. God, it couldn’t even have been thirty minutes since we’d finished the last round.

“Favorite place in New York?” I asked, trying to ignore the renewed pulsing heat between my thighs. Admittedly, I was a little sore.

“That’s easy—right here,” he said, grazing his fingers down my naked shoulder.

“That’s cheating—and a little cheesy.”

He gasped in mock offense, then lunged for my neck, just below my ear, and nibbled. "It’s not cheating—I guarantee you there isn’t anywhere I’d rather be at the moment. But in truth? My favorite place is my home.”

When he went on to confess that no one but me and the caterers who cooked our meal had ever been there, it caught me off guard. He made it sound like I was special, but I’d been doing my best to keep feelings like that outside the arena of Nico and me. It was physical—that’s all this was. Sure, it was great that we seemed to have a lot of common interests, but that just made the recovery times between rounds of carnal pleasure more enjoyable. That was it.

“Your favorite place in California?” he asked, trailing one finger down my neck from where he’d been nibbling to my clavicle.

“The Santa Cruz Mountains,” I said without missing a beat while my body shivered and the heat pooling low in my abdomen grew hotter.


“It’s so peaceful there, and some of the redwoods are three hundred feet tall. Standing amid them makes me feel so small, but in a good way—if that makes any sense.”

He nodded like he understood perfectly. “The Gilboa Fossil Forest in Schoharie County has tree trunks that are three hundred and eighty million years old. I was there once, and all I could think was that they’ve been here through everything—dinosaurs, comets, ice ages… every war humans have ever fought—and they’ll be here long after I’m gone. It’s a rather humbling experience.”

“Andyouare rather deep, Nico Costa. I never would have guessed it.”

“Deep, huh?” He flashed me a wicked grin right before he flipped us over so that he was hovering over top of me. “I like your thinking.” He grabbed a condom from the near-depleted box on the floor and sheathed his now-rock hard erection.

But I knew what he was doing—trying to distract me from my chain of thought. I’d come to recognize it in a very short amount of time.

“You know, me thinking that there’s more to you than your godlike body isn’t a bad thing, right?”

“I never said it was.” He lined himself up.

I gasped as he pressed forward, penetrating me slowly. I was vaguely aware of the soreness, but I was so wet, he glided in smoothly. With every inch, my body stretched to accommodate him while millions of pleasure receptors fired off.

I was no longer tired.

I was awake.


My whole body thrummed with arousal while the coil inside me started its fast wind.

“God, I never thought…” I caught myself before the rest of the words spilled out.

“You never thought what?” he asked, stilling inside me. He stayed there, eyes meeting mine expectantly.

“It’s nothing,” I said, writhing my hips, trying to make him move, to create the friction my body craved.God, I need him to move.