“Because of you,” she answered with as much of a shrug as she could manage on her back, pressed against my body. “I tried to tell myself that wasn’t the reason, but it was a lie. I knew that the second I saw you.” There were no shadows or lies in her eyes, which made it difficult to doubt her. The light pink slashes that appeared across her cheeks told me she was a bit uncomfortable though.

“Why are you pink?” I asked.

She could spread her perfect thighs for me without flinching, but admitting she came here for me made her blush?

She was silent for a moment while she tugged on her bottom lip.

“Because it’s both easy and difficult to talk to you,” she said eventually.

“What do you mean?” I pressed.

I felt like a cat and she was my catnip, a dangling ball, a mouse.A chase.

“It’s easy because the words just seem to spill out with you, but difficult because I’m not sure I want them to just spill out.”

There was a moment’s pause between us.

“What are you thinking?” I finally asked.

She was looking at me strangely with a half-smile toying on her lips.

More random sex facts?I wondered.

Her light blush deepened. “You remind me of a vampire.”

I laughed. “I’ve been called a lot of things, but this is a first.”

Fucking cute.

“You don’t look offended,” she said, tugging on her bottom lip.

“Should I be?”

She shook her head vigorously. “I love vampires,” she blurted out, and her cheeks turned pinker. “I mean, I’ve always loved all that old-time myth and folklore stuff. I’ve probably watched every movie ever made about vampires. Greta and I went on a binge after finals last year. We even got our hands on this 1950s flick about a teenage vampire—”

“Blood of Dracula?”

Her jaw dropped open. “You’ve seen it?”

I shrugged. “I’ve kind of got a thing for myths and monsters too,” I said, laughing to cover the way it felt like I was offering up something that was just a little too personal.

My fingers itched to touch her. I grazed along the curve of her shoulder, across her clavicle to the upper swell of her breast, where red marks in the shape of my teeth stood out against her pale skin.

I told her I wanted to mark her, and I hadn’t been kidding, but less to mark my territory like an animal and more to make sure it would be a long time before she forgot. Every time she looked in a mirror, she’d see me, the proof of what I’d done to her body written on her skin.

“Can I ask you something?” she said while sparks of arousal had begun to light up in her blue eyes again.

I had a feeling the question on the tip of her tongue had nothing to do with vampire films, but I nodded anyway. “You can ask me anything, Raven, so long as you’re not looking for a pretty answer,” I warned her.

She seemed to consider my words for a moment and then nodded. “Why me?” Her eyes met mine, as if searching for something.

“I don’t know why,” I said. “There’s the vampire thing,” I teased, but then turned serious. “You’re beautiful, and there are things I like about you that surprise me, but I couldn’t get you out of my head, and that’s not common for me.”

It had made sense at first, I told myself, because I had to wonder exactly when she’d hand the Lucianos the information I’d given her and whether she’d be with them when they came to raid the Costas’ “unguarded” warehouses. But those weren’t the thoughts that occupied my mind.

Stranger still, it wasn’t just the million and one ways I wanted to use her body that had plagued me day and night. It was wondering what would else make her blush and what kind of nurse she would be. What kind of quirky sex facts she was going to spout off next. And whether, when all this was over, there would be any hope of finding out all there was to know about Raven Ferrari.

The girl was a total mind fuck. The moment I saw her at the bar, sitting next to Dario—one of the few men I considered a friend as much as family—jealousy had reared its ugly head. At least, that’s what I figured it was. I never experienced it before to know for sure. Jealousy was supposed to be a green monster on one’s back, but this had been no pint-size monster. It had been a dragon with fire in its lungs and razor-sharp claws and teeth.