I liked the way her fingers pressed just hard enough to feel me through the fabric of my suit like she was tentatively trying to explore what lay beneath.
“Tell me why,” I persisted, trailing lower, kissing a path down the soft skin of her throat. I wanted to catch her flesh between my teeth, but I resisted the urge. For now.
“Because you’re dangerous.”
Of course, it was because I was dangerous. Everyone who’d ever heard of me knew it, and in her precarious position as enemy, she knew it more than most. I scared her. That’s why she was nervous. Why that disappointed me, I wasn’t sure.
“You make it so I can’t think straight, Nico, and that scares me,” she said, meeting my gaze despite the effort I could see it was costing her to be honest.
But that was what she meant? It wasn’t because she was afraid of me? Why that pleased me was even more of a mystery.
“Then don’t think, Raven. Just feel.”
I moved lower, grazing across the deep V neckline of her dressing gown with my lips.
Her fingers dug into my shoulders as she dropped her head back against the door and closed her eyes. I headed lower, kissing along the upper swells of her breasts through the silk fabric. I wanted it off, but I liked teasing her like this too. And ultimately, no matter how much I wanted to forget about it at the moment, I had a more important goal here.
She dug her fingers in deeper as she whispered, “You have to leave.”
I wondered if she could hear the lack of conviction in her own tone.
“Why?” I asked, pausing with my lips hovering a hair’s breadth from her taut fabric-covered nipple.
“I have plans,” she said.
It was a lie if ever I’d heard one.
“Then cancel them.”
I swirled my tongue around her nipple. Her whole body jolted against me, and when I suckled her nipple into my mouth, fabric and all, the moan that slipped out of her lips shot right through me. If I’d had any blood left pumping through my veins, that quiet sound sent every last drop to my cock, making it throb harder than possibly ever before.
“I can’t. I can’t do that,” she said, but instead of pushing me away, she pulled me closer.
I was happy to oblige, taking her nipple between my teeth this time and grazing gently.
“Yes, you can.”
I moved to her other nipple and gave it the same treatment.
This time, her moan was louder and her hips writhed. I could smell her arousal and it was making it difficult to focus. It would be so easy to take her now. To lift her up, wrap her legs around me, and bury myself deep in her. But I didn’t want her hard and fast against the wall. Well, I did. But not yet.
Stick to the plan.
I leaned away and stood up straight.
“Put your hands above your head, Raven,” I told her, anxious to see if she’d comply like I thought she would.
Her eyes, clouded with arousal, met mine, and slowly, she raised her arms, clasping her hands together high above her head.
“That’s perfect.”
I held her gaze while I reached for the thin sash that held her robe closed. With two quick flicks of my fingers, the sash gave way, and the dressing gown gaped open, revealing a body even more toned than I’d expected, perfect breasts, and a smooth, bare pussy. I’d barely had time to look over her when she unclasped her hands.
“Don’t move,” I commanded in a voice that brooked no refusal.
I didn’t miss the way she squeezed her thighs shut against a fresh rush of arousal. The bright pink slashes across her cheeks spoke of her discomfort, but she obeyed, keeping still while I looked my fill, taking note of the gentle flare of her hips, the definition of muscle across her abdomen, and the wetness on her inner thighs.
“You’re beautiful,” I said.