I was flanked on either side by Dominic Luca and his brother Leo, making this the weirdest job I’d ever done.

But it was a job.

It had to be just a job.

Feelings and emotions and the potent need to charge right through the warehouse wall led to mistakes.

And there was no room for mistakes.

Adrenaline vibrated through my veins as the three of us slinked silently up the middle, heading straight for the warehouse. Fifty yards in, I spotted the first pair of Berlusconi men. Thanks to the burned-out lampposts, they were little more than shadows in the trunk bed of a rusted old Chevy.

We ducked behind another beat-up car.

“Keep an eye on them,” I told Leo, handing him the binoculars. “Signal if any more start coming.”

He glanced at Dominic, who gave him a quick nod, before nodding to me.

I bit my tongue. If the roles were reversed, I’d expect Gabe to run every order by me, too.

Dominic and I took off. He moved like a shadow beside me. I’d never worked with him before. There was every possibility he’d mess this up, but he moved with a confident step, and the way he held the knife, his wrist bent at just the right angle to slice a man’s throat wide open, told me he was no stranger to using one.

They never saw us coming.

Like we’d been working side by side for years, we struck simultaneously, grabbing the two men from behind. We dragged the blades across their throats in quick, smooth motions, deep enough to cut right through vocal cords to keep them from crying out.

Thick, warm blood spurted down my arm as the dying man’s limbs flailed futilely.

It was only a matter of seconds now.

Five… four… three… two… one…

The man went limp, and I lowered him to the ground just as silently as I’d killed him, and Dominic’s man joined him there a moment later.

Two down. Too many still to go.

Chapter Forty-Five


Pain tore through my left arm as I wrapped my right hand around the gun on the floor. It was too late for me to stop now. Bullets zipped by from every direction. I could hear Gabe’s voice, but I couldn’t make out the words.

Amid the chaos, all I could think was that this was how I would die, bleeding from gunshots all over my body. I was going to die, but I was taking at least one of them with me.At least one,I pleaded. I couldn’t die for nothing.

I rolled onto my back just as a dark shape dove on top of me, smothering me beneath the hard wall of a chest and knocking the gun out of my hand.


I groped blindly but couldn’t find it. I tried to buck him off, assuming it was somehow Gabe who was trying to shelter me from the downpour of bullets, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Diego, stop!” the figure on top of me barked.

To my surprise, the room went silent.

It wasn’t Gabe’s voice.

Crooked-Nose—Diego—scoffed. “I should have known you were too much of a pussy for this, big brother.”
