I forced my eyes wide in fear and tried to make myself appear smaller, like I was trying to disappear inside myself.

Nothing but a frightened little kitten.

He grabbed my wrist and drew me back toward him. The urge to shake off his hand was overwhelming, but I kept it in check.

Where would the key be? In his jacket pocket? His pants pocket? He was pulling me with his right hand, so likely his dominant hand. That meant it was reasonable to narrow down my search to the pockets on his right side, but jacket or pants? Jacket or pants?

He'd pulled me as far as the chain would reach.

“Please don’t hurt me,” I pleaded in a voice that quivered with fear.No need to try to fake it.

“Now, why would I do that,signorina?” he asked as he slipped his arm around me.

Because you get off on it, you twisted freak.I could see it in his eyes. The more frightened I looked, the brighter the lascivious light shone in his eyes. But I kept my thoughts to myself and didn’t resist when he pulled me closer, molding my body against his larger frame.

Giving my body leave to tremble and shudder all it wanted, I moved my hand slowly, envisioning where his jacket pocket would be and slipping my fingers inside gently. Slowly. Ever so carefully.

He was busy sliding his hand down my back lower, pressing me disgustingly closer. I could feel every ridge and plane and jutting part of his body.

I’d reached the bottom of his jacket pocket, but it was empty.

“Disappointed?” He cocked an eyebrow, letting me know he’d been aware of what I’d been doing. Then he forced me backward in two long strides, pressing my back against the post until every pit and bump in the concrete must have been etched into my skin.

Each time, he’d bested me. I wanted to scream in frustration just as much as fear.

“His balls, Sofia,” Gabe barked, and my body responded from years of practice without conscious thought.

I drew up my knee and slammed it into Diego’s groin.

He hollered as he doubled over, and I slammed the same knee right into his nose. I hoped this was what Gabe had in mind because I was out of moves as Diego stumbled back, still hunched over while one hand attempted to stem the flow of blood from his nose.

“Well done,bella,” Gabe said.

I chanced a glance at him while Diego stumbled back further. He had an arm wrapped around Tommaso’s neck. Tommaso was flailing, but his face was red and his lips had begun to take on a bluish hue.

“His pocket, Raven,” Gabe said, ducking his head to avoid a random strike from Tommaso’s thrashing arm.

I delved into his right pocket but came up empty.Crap.Tommaso was left-handed. I shoved my hand into his other pocket, careful to avoid his limbs, and my fingers closed over the cool, smooth metal I sought.

I pulled it out, smiling victoriously when a click I’d heard far too often today sounded close behind me.

“Drop it,signorina,” Diego said, his voice far more nasally than it had been before I’d smashed my knee into his nose.

My gaze shot up to Gabe’s, but while he still held onto Tommaso, his jaw was clenched in frustration. He nodded once.

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t force my fingers to release their vise grip on my freedom.

Despite the irate light in his watering eyes and the handkerchief he held against his nose, Diego chuckled and lowered his gun.

“All right,signorina.Go ahead. Unfasten the cuff.”

I paused.

“Don’t do it, Raven,” Gabe whispered.

How could I not? Whether it was a trick or not, I’d be able to defend myself a whole lot better unshackled. So, keeping one eye on my bleeding captor, I shoved the key in the lock and unfastened the cuff. It clattered against the post, resonating the metallic sound throughout the warehouse.

I kept the key in my hand, gripping it tight, though I wasn’t sure why. I noticed Gabe no longer had Tommaso in a choke hold.