“Wait a minute, Rutledge.”

He stopped at Sami’s stern order. Swallowed again. Pivoted on his heel and met her gaze.

A light burned in her blue eyes, the same fire that danced there every time she mounted her bike. “Who says you’re allowed to go?”

Jay drew a slow breath as she walked slowly toward him. He craved her on a level he didn’t want to admit.

“What if,” she went on, tiptoeing her fingers up the center of his chest, her eyes holding him prisoner, “I want to change the bet?”


Jay flinched at Eli’s question. Christ, he’d forgotten the guy was in the room.

No, you hadn’t. You’re trying to pretend you don’t want him in the room. You’re trying to pretend you don’t want—

Sami’s lips curled in a slow smile as her fingertips made their way over Jay’s chin and up to his lips.

He resisted the urge to suck them into his mouth. Just.

“Change,” Sami repeated with a single nod.

“In what way?” Eli asked.

Jay couldn’t look at him. Couldn’t tear his stare from her eyes and the wild, hungry fire in their depths.

“If I lose,” she said, inching her fingers back down Jay’s chin, his chest, down to his abs, his belt buckle… “You, Eli, get to decide what anything means and I will honor it.”

Jay bit back a groan. “Sam,” he breathed. “No.”

She arched an eyebrow at him. The heat in her eyes flared hotter. “But if I win—and I will—you both sleep with me. At the same time. And by ‘sleep’, I mean fuck, and by ‘same time’ I mean you both dedicate yourself simultaneously to giving me the best sex of my fucking life. Together.”

Sami stared up into her mechanic’s face. Waited for him—and Eli—to respond.

She fully accepted that what she’d just proposed was insanity, but when a girl was pushed to the limit, sometimes insanity was the only option. She had no fucking clue how to deal with the sudden and completely unexpected situation in which she now found herself. Two guys—one she despised despite his sexy accent and sexier body, and one she’d firmly thought belonged only on the friend bench—were now both trying to lay claim to her?

It was enough to make her head spin. And, she discovered, her pussy throb.

She wasn’t prepared for that. The best way to get them off her case, to halt the sexual pissing contest and give her some time to digest the way her body was reacting to both of them, was to throw them completely for a loop with a ludicrous suggestion.

There was no way, no way, they’d ever agree to a threesome. No way. Eli Swanson was too much an egotistical alpha male to consider it, and Jay was just too damn sweet.

“Are you seriously suggesting what I think you are?”

At Eli’s question—uttered with disquieting calm—Sami’s heart slammed into her throat.

Why didn’t he sound shocked? Or repulsed? Jesus, why the hell did he actually sound…interested? What the hell?

Fixing him with a steady gaze, she let out a scoffing snort. “Eli, the only way I’d ever fuck you is if Jay fucked me too. There’s no way you’re man enough for me. I’d need my mechanic to finish the job.”

The second the slur on his manhood passed her lips, she realized it probably wasn’t the smartest move she’d made that day.

Smart? Huh, more like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

“Christ, Sam,” Jay groaned beside her. “What the hell are you doing?”

Sami truly didn’t know. The situation had somehow taken on a surreal life of its own.

God, if only her stupid pussy would stop throbbing and pulsing and carrying on at the thought of both men doing her.