“Doctor Winchester said to tell you the next time you take too long to get to the good stuff, she’s going to smack you silly.”

I looked up to find Ronnie sitting on the floor, her back leaning against the room’s closed door, a book in one hand, the tonfa from my gym gripped loosely in the other.

She smiled when our eyes met and put the book aside. Joe Hill’s latest horror novel. Hadn’t I brought enough horror into her life?

“How you feeling?” she asked.

“Better,” I answered truthfully. “How long was I out for?”

“Long enough for Doctor Winchester to dope you, put all the joints that were dislocated back into correct alignment, strap your ribs, and inject something into your jaw. She said you’re going to have a very sore right shoulder for a while.” She shifted on the floor and pulled a tiny baggy from her hip pocket. “Fluffy brought your tooth back.”

She held the baggy out for me to see. Yeah, there it was. The molar Rufie had knocked out.

Ronnie grinned. “I don’t know what Fluffy thought you’ll do with it. Is it the kind of thing you can get put back in?”

I chuckled and winced at the pain in my rib. “Did Lila say when I was good to go?”

Pushing herself to her feet, Ronnie placed the tonfa on the chair next to her and came and sat beside me. “The painkillers she’s pumped into you will last for another eight hours. She doesn’t think you should travel during that time. Maybe even longer after that.”

I processed the instruction. I’d driven in worse condition. The night I drove to Ronnie’s house, drugged out of my brain, delusional and barely alive after taking a gunshot to the side was just one example.

“So that gives us eight hours here.” Ronnie touched my jaw. Whatever Lila had injected into the side of my face had killed the pain there. I barely registered the contact from Ronnie’s fingers.

I turned my head to press my lips—still sore, but not as bad as before—to the center of her palm. She closed her eyes and a soft sigh passed her lips.

“Eight hours to make love to you,” I murmured before closing my fingers around her wrist and tugging her closer to me.

I took possession of the side of her neck with a nuzzling kiss, the warmth of her skin, her scent, flooding me with hungry desire.

She moaned a sound of equally hungry agreement and then pulled away a little as I nipped a path of kisses toward her mouth.

She placed her hand on my chest and shook her head, her gaze locked on mine. “Doctor Winchester was very specific about you not doing anything physically exerting.” Her cheeks turned pink. “I think she was referring to sex, given that she knows how often we did it the last time you were injured like this.”

I chuckled, snaked my hand around her waist, and tugged her closer again to me. “Lila can stick her not doing anything physically exerting where the sun don’t shine. You told me you were going to kiss me, strip me naked, and fuck me senseless when you saw me again.” I skimmed my palm up her back, around her ribcage to cup her breast. “You’ve only done one of those three things.”

She moaned again, the undeniable desire in the sound making my cock hard. “Lucas…”

“Haven’t you worked it out by now, babe?” I asked, nuzzling at the side of her neck again. Christ, she smelt good. Tasted good. I wanted to be inside her so fucking much. “When it comes to you, I’m unstoppable.”

She gave another shaky moan, this one hornier than the others. “Lucas…”

I dragged my thumb over her nipple, my blood running hot at how it tightened into a point at my touch. I wanted it in my mouth. Now. I wanted to suck on it. Bite it.

I slid my fingers beneath the hem of her shirt and bunched it up over her breast with the back of my hand, bending down to capture her nipple with my mouth before she could stop me.

“Holy fuck, Lucas.” She tangled a hand in my hair, arching as I sucked with greedy need. “Th-this is not what you were…”

I moved. Upward, silencing her with a hungry kiss as I pressed her flat to her back on the narrow bed.

Apart from the bandages bound around my ribs, I was naked. Buck naked. Which meant there was nothing stopping my cock—now a rigid, jutting pole—from rubbing against Ronnie’s groin as I settled myself between her thighs.

The friction of denim on engorged flesh detonated a wave of lust in me, and I snared her wrists, pinning them to the bed as I fucked her mouth with my tongue.

I should have been taking it easy. I should have been relaxing. My freshly re-located shoulder was screaming at me, despite the painkillers, but fuck taking it easy. Fuck relaxing. I was alive. I was with Ronnie. I’d defied everything I thought life had in store for me.

Fuck taking it easy and relaxing.

I kissed her. Over and over. Worshipped her mouth until my head swam and my balls ached. Then I moved to her breasts, removing her shirt with shaky hands and losing myself in their gorgeous weight and shape and taste.