“Looking for your dick, Randy?” I asked.

The fucker gripping my h

air slammed his fist into my kidney again.

Withdrawing a cell from his pocket, Rufie sneered at me. “Ready to make a call, Trip?”

“Ready to suck my cock, Randolph?”

He swung the pipe at my face.

I snapped my body to the right, yanking the Trinity dick holding my left arm into the pipe’s trajectory.

Steel crunched against bone a second before the warehouse filled with the shouts of men in pain.

“What the fuck?” Rufie snapped his head around, gaping at the sight of three Trinity members collapsing to the ground, blood spurting from their knees.

I pulled the moaning guy hanging off my left arm down, slamming my knee up into his face as I did so.

He crumpled to the ground as I lashed out with my foot, swiping my heel into the ankles of the dick behind me holding a fistful of my hair. I used his momentum to dislodge the Trinity fuck holding my right arm.

Just as I extracted myself, the fuck screamed, dropping to the ground, one of his knees a blood-spurting mess.

She hasn’t lost her aim.

The thought whispered through my head as I swung to face Rufie.

He was still gaping at the wailing, writhing, bleeding Trinity members on the floor. If I were in a better mood, I would have laughed at the confusion on his face.

Unfortunately for Rufie, I was in a killing mood.

I launched myself at him in a jumping reverse spinning kick. My heel connected with his shoulder, sending him into a sprawling fall.

“Fucker!” he yelled, scrambling to his feet. Attempting to, at least. “Shoot the fucker!”

I heard guns cock, saw more than one gun snap to me. And then, in quick succession, four of the Trinity members pointing their guns at me screamed in pain, knees spurting with blood as they fell to the ground.

I didn’t know where Lila had set herself up, but she clearly had a fantastic, unobstructed view of the warehouse floor.

“Shoot him!” Rufie screamed, stumbling to a lurching stand.

One of his goons aimed his gun at me. His knee erupted in blood and shattered bone, and he went down in a screaming heap.

Rufie swung around to stare at me, shoulders hunching as he adjusted his grip on his pipe. “Gutless prick. Got someone shootin’ for ya.”

I shrugged, grinning slowly at him. “It’s you and me, Rufie. This is what you wanted, after all. From the second we first met, you promised one day it would just be you and me. Today’s that day.”

He came at me.

I floored him with a turning kick to the temple.

“You could have avoided this,” I said, circling him as he struggled onto his hands and knees. “You could have left me alone. Forgot I existed.”

He scrambled at me, swinging his pipe at my legs. I smashed my foot into his cheek.

“Your first mistake was killing Loco,” I went on, once again circling him. I noted none of his support crew were trying to take me out. None of them moved. They were too afraid of Lila and her high-powered sniper rifle, I suspect. If only they knew they were struck immobile with fear by a forty-five-year-old woman.

Rufie threw himself at me again. I stopped his progress with a knee-strike up under his chin.