The look she gave me was steady. “Lucas, after everything that’s happened to me in the last few days, I would be insane to say I still want to be with you.”

I swallowed. Fuck, my world, my reason for existing…it was coming to an end. It was—

“Good thing,” Ronnie said, tossing aside the two Okinawan fighting weapons, “I am.”

My heart stopped. For a fraction of a second. Long enough for the world to grow completely devoid of sound as I watched her hook her fingers under the hem of the shirt she wore, pull it up over her head, and drop it to the ground.

And then sound rushed back at me.

The sound of her breath as she crossed to where I sat on the weight bench, the sound of my heart slamming against my chest as she straddled my lap, of her bra clasp clicking as she released it with deft fingers.

The sound of my raw groan as her breasts tumbled free of their lace prison, of her sigh, of my moan as I closed my lips around her right nipple and suckled its hard form deep into my mouth.

“Oh yeah,” she whispered, burying her fingers in my hair.

I sucked harder on her nipple, raising one hand to knead the heavy swell of her breast as I pawed at her ass.

She rolled her hips, grinding her sweet, hot pussy against my trapped dick.

For a moment, I thought I was about to pass out from pleasure—the punishing pressure of her sex on my erection detonated wave after wave of concentrated rapture through me—and then she tightened her fist in my hair to painful levels and yanked her breast free of my mouth.

I stared up at her, brea

th choppy, body on fire with a lust I’d never extinguish.

She lowered her face down to mine. “If you even think about bailing on me for my own safety, Lucas fucking Pratt, I will hunt you down and fuck you until you can’t move. And then do it over and over again. Do you understand?”

I nodded and groaned as she caught my bottom lip with her teeth.

With a growl, I grabbed her hips and shoved myself to my feet, taking her with me.

She wrapped her legs around me, her hands in my hair, her ankles locked behind my back.

I made my way to the stairs. I could tell Ronnie was hot for wild, raw fucking, but I wanted to give her more.

I needed to give her more.

I fucking cherished her, loved her more than I think she could ever comprehend. And, yes, I was thinking she’d be better off without me. I was thinking I’d fucked up her life.

I was thinking those things…

But I was also thinking how she tamed the anger in me, how she made me feel human. I was also thinking how I couldn’t fucking function without her…

And most of all, at that very moment, I was thinking how much I wanted to worship her.

“Hold on,” I murmured, tightening my arms around her waist.

I climbed the stairs to the living room.

I didn’t stop.

Without slowing my pace or adjusting her weight in my arms, I carried her up to our bedroom.

There is a time for animalistic sex on the coffee table, a time for carnal fucking on the sofa, and then there is a time for reverence and tender passion.

A time and a place.

That time was now. The place was my bed. Our bed.