Jerking back a step, I shot Officer Dewey a worried look.

He was still slumped on the weight machine, eyes closed, blood trickling from the wide, deep gash just below his right eye. Was that the spot where Lucas’s boot had struck his face?

“How did he find you?” I asked, rubbing my hands up and down my upper arms.

Lucas’s sigh was ragged.

I frowned, turning back to him.

“You led him here,” he said.

I blinked at his statement. “I what?”

“Come on,” he answered, which was no answer at all. He took my hand and began to ascend the stairs, tugging me along.

I followed, confused and uncertain. I led him here? Like hell I did.

“What do you mean, I led him here?” I asked when we’d reached the top of the stairs.

Lucas didn’t respond. Instead, he walked to the same sofa he’d been lying on when Doctor Winchester had performed minor surgery on him and lowered himself onto it.

I didn’t follow suit. Instead, I stood before him and frowned.

He sighed again, slumping against the backrest to drag a hand through his hair. It dawned on me he’d never looked better. No fresh bloody wounds, no grungy T-shirt. Just a pair of faded blue Levis, a simple black T-shirt, his messy hair and killer eyes.

“When I learned Dewey hadn’t turned up for work at the station a day ago,” he said, holding my gaze, “I suspected why. By then, I was over an hour away.”

“You were heading back there?” I crossed my arms over my chest. For some reason, I was suddenly very angry with him. “Without telling me. Without letting me know what was going on? What were you going to do? Beat up the entire station?”

He had the nerve to laugh.

I wanted to kick him.

“I was going to draw Dewey out. Use Kitchner as a trap.”

“With Kitchner’s phone?”

He shook his head. “I don’t have Kitchner’s phone. I lost it as I was getting away from the fuckers who grabbed me off the street.”

I frowned. “But the phone you showed Dewey…”

“A burner. One I’ve had for a while.”

A sick tension curled in the pit of my stomach. “You were bluffing?”

“One of the best ways to win any fight is to bluff, Ronnie. I remembered enough of their texts to gain me the advantage and I used it.”

I swallowed. The tension in my stomach was now creeping through me. “What do you mean, I led him here? How did I do that? I didn’t even know he existed until today, so how did I lead him here? And did you know he was here?”

“I didn’t know until he went AWOL. I turned around and was driving back to you when Winchester called me. Our mutual contact had come through for me. I knew exactly who was dirty and who wasn’t. Which meant I only had Dewey to deal with, given Kitchner wasn’t going to cause me—or anyone else—trouble again.”

“What about…about the Trinity? And how did Dewey follow me. How did he—”

“Trinity thinks I’m dead.”

That sick tension turned to a suffocating blanket of cold shock. “What?”

“And Dewey put a tracker on your car. I found it underneath the rear wheel arch when I got back.” A devilish glint filled his eyes. “Thank God another case kept him from tracking your location before now. Otherwise we may have been interrupted at the most inopportune time.”