I took her hand. “I respect you for that. I didn’t mean it to sound sordid.” I took a deep breath to consider my words. “I just want to help you earn that degree without you having to worry about money. I’ve got plenty of it.”

“I get that.” She looked down again and drew a circle with her toe. “But it wouldn’t seem right to me. I’m not good at taking gifts at the best of times. And now… with us…” She exhaled and that faltering smile of hers pushed away her earlier fire.

She stepped out of the way of a couple of staggering men.

“What are you doing now? Or are you going to hang out with those guys?”

She shook her head decisively. “God no.”

I had to smile at the way her expressive face twisted into a grimace.

“I’m sure they’re crestfallen,” I said.

Her head drew back sharply in that self-deprecating way of hers. Theadora didn’t see herself as the male magnet she truly was. “I doubt it. Anyway, Lucy told them I was gay.”

My eyebrows flung up, and I laughed. “Well, I’m glad you’re not.” I retraced that comment. “I meant nothing against gay women.”

She laughed, which unclamped my shoulders.

“Can we perhaps go somewhere and talk?” I slanted my head.

“Did you have something in mind?”

“I’ve got plenty of ideas. That involve just you and me.” I raised a brow. “We can stay here for the night.”

Her eyes met mine. “In Mayfair, you mean?”

I thought of Ethan, and what I wanted to do to Theadora involved lots of hot, noisy sex. I wanted to hear her moan and for me to groan loudly, like I did when we climaxed together.

That was a first for me.

Everything about Theadora was a first.

“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” I asked.

Her eyes searched mine. “My phone broke down. I just bought a new one and haven’t set it up yet.” She kept staring at me as though I was an enigma. “Um… can you wait while I say goodbye to Lucy?”

“Of course.”

As she moved away, I watched her swaying bottom in those tight jeans. My heart picked up pace. The anticipation of touching her soft curves and her writhing, voluptuous body rubbing against mine made my blood thicken. I also just wanted to listen to her voice. To hear her talking about anything and everything.

She warmed the air around me.

A few minutes later, she walked gracefully towards me. As a contagious smile grew on her lips, our eyes locked, and the street crowd turned into a blur.

“Have you eaten?” I asked.

“Not really.”

“Let’s go to Lovechildes. It’s not far. I’ve got a penthouse suite there.”

“Oh, you’re staying there?” She frowned. “I used to work there.”

I twisted a strand of her hair. “I know.”

“I might have even cleaned that room. How weird is that?”

I sniffed. “Yep. It’s a coincidence all right. A beautiful coincidence.”