“We really like the idea of the boot camp, though. If there’s anything we can do, we’d love to volunteer,” Kelvin said.

“I’m hoping to set up a garden,” I said.

“What a marvellous idea. Get troubled youth working with nature. Veggies or flowers?”

“Maybe both,” I said. “I’ve had the land assessed, and I can obtain an organic farming licence, apparently.”

Allen glanced at Kelvin. “We’re jealous. But please do involve us in anyway.”

“Are you part of it?” Allen asked my brother.

“I haven’t been asked.”

I turned to him. “You’re always invited to help. You know that.”

“Will there be any pretty girls?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes. “He’s beyond rehabilitation.”

Kelvin and Allen laughed.

“But seriously,” Kelvin added. “You might want to organise a charity event or two. You know, to raise some funds for the initiative.”

“That thought has crossed my mind.” I rubbed my neck.

“I know,” Ethan said. “A masked ball. I’ll arrange it.”

Savanah joined us. “Did I hear ‘masked ball’?” She turned to Kelvin and Allen and waved a greeting.

“I was just suggesting we host a charity event here at Merivale,” Ethan said.

“Oh, that would be fun,” Savanah said. “We’ve never hosted a masked ball before.”

“We’re talking about raising funds for the boot camp,” I said.

Her mouth turned down. “Mummy will hate that idea.” She thought about it for a moment. “But we don’t have to tell her.”

“I think we do. She lives here most of the time.”

“She’s off to Antibes next month. She always goes for a two-week holiday in June.”

Ethan nodded. “Let’s arrange it then. Leave it to me.”

I shrugged. “Sure. It’s a great idea.” I turned to Kelvin. “Thanks for suggesting it.”

“We’ll help in any way. Just call out. And we do expect an invite,” Allen said.

“Of course. You’ll be the first on the list,” I said.

“Will you invite Carson?” Savanah asked.

“Maybe. He’s not really into this scene though.”

“No. He’s kind of feral.” She pulled a face as though she’d touched something dirty.

“Who’s this?” Ethan asked.

“He’s a former army mate in charge of running the boot camp.”