Her red-painted lips turned up slightly at one corner. “Relax. They won’t eat you.” Her blue eyes shone with a hint of cheek. “But then, you might want them to.”

I shook my head repeatedly. “Am I to dress like this?” I pointed at her corset.

“This is a gentlemen’s club. They didn’t tell you?”

“I was told it was a waitressing gig in costume. That’s all I know.”

A hint of a smile warmed her face. “That’s pretty much it.” She tugged at my shirt. “Come on. Off with everything. It’s nice and warm in here.”

She produced a black lace corset with red satin ribbon trim. “This should fit.” She studied me as I crossed my arms over my chest. “With those tits, you’ll be very popular.”

I hated my body. And now I had to use it to survive. I’d barely managed on waitressing and cleaning jobs. And despite working two jobs, I was still in debt because of high London rents.

I wasn’t about to beg my cold, indifferent mother. I couldn’t stand the sight of her after how she’d treated me.

Tania handed me fishnet stockings. “What size feet?”

“Six.” I wondered how the hell I’d manage to walk in the skyscraper shoes she dropped in front of me.

“Okay. That should do.” She paused at the door. “I’ll be back in a minute to help with your hair and makeup. Let me get you a drink. That will help.”

In response to her welcomed hint of warmth, I nodded with a quivery smile. “A G&T, thanks.”

I gave myself a pep talk. Five hundred pounds would pay my debt and find me a room for a few nights. It was only skin after all.

But will they touch me?

My stomach tied in knots as I carefully placed my foot in the stocking, trying to avoid ripping them.

Travis reassured me it would only be waitressing in costume. But he was a junkie, and considering he raided his sister’s wallet more than once, I knew he couldn’t be trusted.

Battling with the zip, I lifted the lace bodice as high as I could. The corset squashed my D-cup breasts. I could barely breathe.

I rummaged through the box and found a pair of lace panties with the most fabric, despite my arse poking out, which was easy enough to do, given I had a big bum.

As I clipped on the stockings, Tania entered carrying two glasses. She handed me one and as she sipped on hers, she nodded. “Mm…you’re going to be popular.” She pointed to the black spiky, red-soled shoes that could have doubled as weapons. “Put those on. And then stand up. Let me see you.”

Wobbly-legged, I rose and held onto the bench for balance.

She chuckled. “You’re not used to them, I see.” She pointed. “Walk around.”

I moved around the small room cluttered with stacked boxes, staring down at my feet to avoid tripping. After a minute or so, I managed.

“Let’s do some makeup.” Her softened tone helped me relax. “So how old are you?”

“Twenty-four.” I closed my eyes while she dabbed a sponge on my face.

“You’ve never worked in a man’s club before?”

“No. I waitress in cafés and restaurants mainly.”

“You won’t get this type of money working in cafés.”

“Is it just serving drinks to tables?” I asked, as she brushed rouge on my cheeks.

She stared at me in the mirror. At first, I wondered if it was to look at my makeup, but there was something else in her gaze. As though she was trying to read me.

What is she not telling me?