I held out my hand. “Pleased to meet you.” I smiled. “You look lovely.”

Her face brightened. “Why, thank you.” She studied me for a moment. “I hope you like it here. I’ll try not to be too demanding.” She looked at Janet and smirked.

Watching them walk off, I felt a tinge of envy. I gathered Savanah didn’t lack for anything. A click of the finger and presto: beautiful clothes, cool friends, and an easy life. I did like her style. She wore a purple-and-blue knee-length dress, with an asymmetrical neckline and midriff cut-outs, that draped elegantly over her slim body.

I exited the kitchen and walked among a group of young men. One turned and smiled. “You’re new. I haven’t seen you before.”

I nodded as he placed his empty bottle on my tray. “Can I bring you another?”

He shook his head. “I’m Ethan, the son.” His mouth turned up at one end.

Another stunner, but very different to Declan. Unlike his intense brother, Ethan struck me as light and playful.

“And your name?” Ethan asked.


“Well, Thea, I hope you enjoy your time here.”

“Thanks, that’s kind of you.” I smiled and carried the tray away carefully with two slightly trembly hands.

After the guests settled at the large dining table, I was placed on drinks duty and instructed to ensure that everyone’s wine was topped up.

Easy enough, one would have thought, only with Declan Lovechilde at the table interrupting his conversation to stare at me, I found myself having to take deep breaths, and was close to hyperventilating. Talk about nerve-wracking.

A beautiful, bubbly woman sat by his side and while she seemed to be chatty, gesturing expressively with her hands, Declan Lovechilde responded with the occasional nod. His face neutral, if not somewhat uninterested.

Caroline Lovechilde, the mother and, judging from how she commanded the discussion, the head of the house, sat regally at one end of the table, while Mr. Lovechilde, who I met earlier on, insisting I call him Harry, sat at the other end. He laughed a lot, and since I kept topping up his glass, I gathered he liked to drink.

Unsurprisingly, Savanah had many admirers. Young guys hanging on her every word, while Ethan sat between a pair of beautiful women, chatting and laughing loudly.

With main course served, I was given a break and decided to go outside for some air. Dying to sit down, I headed for the courtyard area by the servant’s quarters. There I found a girl and a man lost in conversation. When they noticed me, they waved for me to join them.

“You’re new around here. I’m Jason, the cook.”

“I’m Thea.” I smiled.

“And I’m Amy,” the girl said. “I normally do what you do, but I was in the kitchen tonight. We’re down on staff.”

I virtually flopped onto the chair. “You don’t mind me sitting here?”

“Not all. We can fill you in on all the goss.” She giggled.

Jason looked at me and rolled his eyes. “Don’t get her started.”

Amy slapped his arm. “You love it. You just pretend not to be interested.”

“You make it sound like a soap opera.” I chuckled.

“Oh, it can be that,” Jason said.

“You’ve been here for a while?” I asked.

Amy nodded. “We both started four years ago. So have you met the family?”

“I have. They seem nice,” I said. “Not that I’ve had a chance to chat to them. Just a few words with the younger members.”

“Declan’s only been back for a few months. He doesn’t live here, though. He’s in the village. Lives in a converted church.”