As I hurried off, a sinking sensation gripped my stomach. I sensed he’d hassle me again.

My new job was a welcome distraction. The children were so sweet as they banged away on percussion, while some of the little ones, dressed in tutus, danced. I was employed four hours a day. Morning shifts. Which suited me fine. The wage was just enough to cover my rent and the odd bill.

Although I would have liked to have put a deposit down on a flat instead of the exorbitant rent I was paying, I needed a full-time job to get a loan.

All in good time.

I got home and found Lucy on the sofa watching television. She looked at me and said, “I’ve been trying to call you.”

“My phone’s flat. What’s up?”

“He came in again today.”

I rolled my eyes. “Crap. Not him again. Can’t he find someone else to harass?”

She shook her head. “It wasn’t Reynard Crisp.”

“You mean Declan?” A sudden knee tremor pushed me onto the couch.

She nodded. “He asked me if I could give him your number.”

I puffed out a deep breath. I’d changed my number. I had to. I couldn’t cope with all his messages and calls. It was the only way I could run away properly.

“You should talk to him, Thea. He looked tired and concerned and hot.”

I sniffed. Yep. Declan was one of those freaks who looked even more gorgeous when tired and stressed. He was such a deep soul, my heart bled.

“I can’t face him, Luce.” I sighed. “I took that money. How does that make me look?”

“It makes you look practical. You’re poor. You were blackmailed.”

“I guess I was in a way. But I didn’t have to take it, did I?”

Overwhelmed by guilt, I’d done a deal with the devil when I banked that cheque.

“What else did he say?”

She sucked back a breath. “To convince you to call him. He made me promise. Something tells me he’s not going to stop until you do. You should.”

“But then I’ll have to talk about the photos and the money.” I bit into my fingernail already gnawed down to the skin.

“Tell him the truth. Those photos aren’t you.”

“I’m not sure.” I scratched my greasy scalp. “Maybe they are. I can’t fucking remember.”

“I’d remember if a dick had been shoved in my gob.” She grimaced. “Sorry.”

“If I were to see him, his mother will make those images public. There goes my teaching degree.” I thought of Crisp’s threats, and suddenly my body felt like concrete had been poured over it.

“You’re hardly a celebrity.” Lucy smiled sympathetically.

“Hello. Facebook. Employers check Facebook. Or Instagram. She’ll put them on social media. Who’ll employ me then?”

She nodded slowly. “He looked broken, lovie.”

A sad smile grew on my face. “Did he?”

Selfish as that made me, I liked hearing Declan missed me.

I didn’t call him.

I couldn’t.