“Get her another shot,” Tania said to Liz.

She passed me a vodka, and I took it without question. “At this stage, I might drop the tray.” I swallowed the shot in one face-scrunching gulp.

“I don’t think you’ll have too many complaints.” Tania returned a wry smile.

She handed me a tray. “Just walk around and collect glasses for now. And take orders as they come, okay?”

“Won’t I need a pad and pen?” I asked, close to slurring my words.

“I’m sure you can manage. Most customers either drink beer or straight spirits. They’re not too complicated.”

I collected a few glasses, and the men seemed quite well behaved, which made it easier, and after a while I went with the flow. Until I came to one table where an old man asked me to join him for a drink. His droopy eyes were all over my breasts, and I shook my head and scurried off.

After an hour of collecting glasses, delivering drinks, and being ogled, I took a break and went to the bathroom behind the stage, where two girls sat smoking.

“Hey there,” one of the girls said. “How are you finding it?”

“It’s okay. I mean this corset’s seriously scratchy. I can’t wait to get back into my clothes.”

“Yeah, I know how you feel. So, are you going to auction?”

“Hmm?” My brows gathered.

“You didn’t sign up for the auction?” She looked surprised.

“What do you mean?”

“We’re all selling ourselves tonight.”

“Selling your body?”

Silly question. What else would they be selling?

The pair nodded. “We’re selling our virginity to the highest bidder.”

“Holy shit. Really?”

One of the girls bit a nail. “It’s great money.”

“It would have to be.”

“My friend did it last week, and she got one hundred thousand pounds. It’s set her up for her twenties. I’m not seeing anyone. We’re a rare species apparently.” She chuckled. Like her friend she was only wearing a bra and panties.

“So, you go on like that?” I asked.

They nodded. “There’s about eight of us so far. The other girls are in there. Some of them are shitting themselves.” Her eyes settled on my body. “You’d do well. You’re probably not a virgin.” She wore an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I know that’s personal.”

“I am a virgin.”

Just as I spoke, Tania came by and said, “Can I have a word?”

I followed her into another dressing room, where girls, who I figured were also selling their innocence, applied makeup.

Tania smiled at the six girls. “Can you give us a little space? We’ll start soon. I’ve arranged for some champagne.”

I felt their fear mingled with anticipation.

“You’re like everyone’s mum,” I said.