Gifted on the piano, my mother had studied from an early age. Or so the story goes. My mother rarely spoke of her life growing up. Unlike my dad, who loved sharing his experiences as a boy growing up on that large estate.

“Lovechilde Holdings is a full-time job, Declan. If you and your brother got more proactive, especially now that your father has turned his back on us, I would have time for the piano.”

“He hasn’t turned his back on us. He just wants to uphold certain traditions.”

“You’re an idealist like him. That’s your problem.” She flicked through a magazine specialising in the latest resorts.

“The farms make more than enough money. Why don’t you just sit back and enjoy your life? Travel. Play the piano.”

She drew her head back and looked stunned, like I’d suggested she get a tattoo. “I’m not one for such frivolities. And I plan to make the Lovechilde name synonymous with power and one of the wealthiest families in the world.”

I had to laugh at that inflated ambition. “Hello, Elon Musk. Bezos. And goodness knows how many other tech billionaires out there who are always going to be hard to catch up with.”

“You don’t know what I plan to do. And the last thing I’ll do is flit our wealth on rocket launches.” She wore an ironic smirk. “I certainly didn’t plan for a boot camp at the back of Merivale. What can I do to stop this madness?” She looked over my shoulder, and her face softened.

I turned and acknowledged Will with a nod.

“I see the builders haven’t wasted their time,” he said in that placid manner of his, which made Will hard to read.

My father’s former partner had been with us for as long as I could remember, and now that his relationship with my mother was out in the open, he’d moved into the hall. I’d always liked Will, so despite this latest development, I treated him as I’d always done.

My mother sighed. “See if you can convince him.”

I looked at Will. “It’s happening. The wood cuts in the middle. There’s no access from the camp to the hall.”

He just shrugged and handed my mother a file.

“I’ll leave you to it then,” I said.

“Savanah tells me you’re to meet your father’s new boyfriend. He listens to you, Declan. See if you can convince him.”

I wondered about the urgency in her tone. Why did my mother need this development so badly?

“I’m on his side, Mother.” I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ve got to go.”