He had my mother’s dark eyes, while I’d inherited my father’s blue eyes. But apart from that, we were both the same height and our hair the same dark brown.

He cared more for his appearance than I did.

Savanah was the veritable princess of the family. Designer everything. Her long, normally brown, hair was blonde for now, and her eyes were like mine.

“Okay, you two. I need to shower and to get ready before the guests arrive.”

“What are you giving Mummy?” Savanah asked.

I pointed to the scarf. “And a bottle of Chanel No. 5.”

She lifted the woven piece. “Mm… it’s pretty. Soft.” She ran her fingers over the cloth.

“It’s cashmere. I got you one too,” I said.

Her face lit up in surprise. “Really. Super. I can wear it in Switzerland. It looks warm.”

“Handwoven.” I thought of the cowering seamstress and how her world was so different to ours.

As was tradition at these Merivale dinner parties, cocktails were served as guests arrived.

Cleo stood close and whispered, “You’re staying here, I’m told. So am I.”

I took a sip of beer and looked at her for a moment. She was a beautiful girl for sure. With those big blue eyes and tall svelte body, Cleo was any man’s dream. Only I liked my women earthy and not caked in makeup. Maybe a little shorter. Maybe a little darker. I don’t know what it was, but my dick barely moved around her. I should have wanted her. I was hot-blooded like any thirty-two-year-old man.

“I’m still getting used to being back. I might be a bit tired.” That was me skirting around the edges rather than diving in and just telling her my heart wasn’t into anything serious.

“You’ve been back for a few months. And you weren’t tired two weeks ago when we…” Her brow arched. “Fucked.”

One of the older guests turned to stare at us.

I whispered, “Hey, keep it down.”

She laughed. “Don’t worry about Kenneth. He’s into all kinds of kinky shit.”

“Aren’t they all,” I said almost to myself.

“What’s wrong, Dec? You don’t seem yourself.” She pouted like a little girl.

“I’m good. I still haven’t seen my mother. Excuse me a moment.”

I walked off and although I felt bad leaving her like that, I noticed Charlie had pounced on Cleo. Good. He was a rich, good-looking boy, and going on Cleo’s brightening smile, a good replacement for me.

I didn’t want to be anyone’s date that night.

Then I saw her, and my heart raced like mad, only this wasn’t from fright.