
Thesunnyroomat the back of Merivale, where we normally hung out as a family, contrasted sharply with the gloom in the air.

Savanah huddled between me and Declan for support. She’d gone through a whole box of tissues, while my mother, as cool as a cucumber, sat at the table tenting her fingers. Her long red fingernails tapping together making an unendurable and grating clicking sound.

Where are her fucking tears?

Theadora entered the room, and my mother’s cold and unwelcoming eyes followed her. This was going to be intense.

But more intense than my father dying?

Nothing sat well with me.

Normally I was the joker of the bunch. The one that brightened the room with silly pranks and childish gestures. I’d been hiding behind that clownish act since my balls dropped.

That was no longer me. Especially now with my father dead.

As I searched deep inside, I found an empty hole where my heart used to beat.

My new sister-in-law sat by Declan and took his hand. That warm, loving gesture sent a slither of envy. He’d always been the sensible one. Not that I resented my brother. Far from it. I respected him.

“Why is she here? This is a private family affair,” my mother said, casting daggers at Theadora.

“Will’s here,” Declan said with matching coldness. He placed his hand on the table, and my mother’s eyes zeroed in on his glistening gold wedding band.

A deep line formed between her normally smooth brow as she pointed at his finger.

“Yes, we’re married.” He turned to Theadora and pressed his lips into her hair. “I wish I could make this announcement at better times.”

“We’ll discuss this later.” My mother glanced over at Will, who sat close by her side.

“Nothing to discuss. We’re married. Theadora is part of this family, and you, like everyone else, will respect and treat her as such, in the same way we’ve welcomed Will,” Declan said.

“Mm…” She picked up her cup and took a sip.

“What about Dad?” Savanah demanded. “What about Daddy?” Her voice cracked, and she lost it again, which made me want to lose it too.

I’d never experienced this type of crushing grief, like I’d been buried under a heavy, wet blanket.

Will opened a folder and looked at my mother, who gave him a nod to proceed.

“It’s believed that Harry choked to death.”

“On food?” Declan asked.

Will shook his head. “Nope. Strangled.”

At that gruesome detail, my body recoiled as though I’d witnessed it happening.

“Like someone killed him?” Savanah asked, her eyes wide and horrified, looking like I felt.

“It might have been suicide,” Will said.

“What?” rang from all of us siblings at once.

“That’s impossible,” Savanah said. “Daddy wasn’t depressed.”