“But these aren’t me. You can’t prove they are.”

“Look at the other one.”

The photo showed me sitting in the dressing room wearing the same corset as in the back shots.

“I never did those things. They drugged me. That’s when Declan saved me.”

“They drugged you, and you probably did do those things. They’re plain to see. Disgusting sleaze that will tarnish your reputation for life.”

Tears burned at the back of my eyes. My throat strangled what response I could muster.

Her mouth curved up at one end. It was the most sympathetic I’d encountered her. “I have nothing against you personally. What you get up to in your private time is your business. But no woman with this kind of tacky past is going to be with a Lovechilde. Take the cheque and go.”

“And if I don’t?” My heart shattered as a million thoughts barrelled ahead like trains colliding at a terminal.

“Declan will see these images.”

I rose. I left the cheque on the table.

“He won’t stay with you.” She waved the cheque. “Take it. You can set up a new life. Get a good head start. No one will know about any of this. These photos will be destroyed. You’re a beautiful, talented girl. Become a concert pianist. Do whatever you like. Only leave my son. You will not marry him under my watch.”

I charged out of her office. My heart pounded in my ears as I went back to my room. The room that had given me so much peace and autonomy.

I called Lucy. After bawling in her ear, I blew my nose and sobbed through my soul-crushing news.

“Holy fuck. Are you sure the photos aren’t you? You were drugged.”

“I know. But I remember everything that happened. It was when I was about to be carried into a room that I managed to escape. That’s when everything gets a little hazy. I remember fighting off the three men and someone coming to my rescue, who then held me up as we made a run for it.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I have to leave. Like now. I can’t have him see the photos.” I gulped back a sob.

“You should talk to him. From what you’ve said, he sounds pretty committed.”

“It’s only been a month. And we’ve been having lots of sex. It hasn’t really been discussed.”

“From everything you’ve told me, he’s committed. Hell, he told you he loved you,” she said.

“But the photos. Hell.” I sobbed a little more before blowing my nose. “If I don’t show him, his mother will. Fuck. Just when life was smiling at me. This shit happens.”

“Are they really that bad?”

“Yep. There’s one of someone who’s meant to be me sucking some guy’s dick. I didn’t do that. I’m sure.”


“There, you see. Even you admit it’s fucked up.”

“Oh, it’s fucked up, all right.” She sighed. “What are you going to do?”

Good fucking question.

“If I stay, he’ll see the photos. If I leave, I’ll have nowhere to go.”

“You can stay with me, sweets. But are you sure that’s the right decision? Maybe you should just show him. He’ll understand.”

“I don’t know. He’s seriously jealous.”