“Steaks are done,” Beck called as he shouldered his way through the patio door and into the kitchen.
“Salad and fruit are on the table.” Heavenly pulled garlic bread from the oven and set it on the stove, trying to tamp down her nerves. “When Seth called to say he wanted to come home and talk, did he say anything else?”
Shutting the door behind him, Beck shook his head. “Just that he’d be here for dinner and that he wants to talk to us.”
The sound of the door from the garage opening and closing had her head snapping up and her stomach tightening. After a brief jingle of keys and the click of dress shoes, Seth appeared at the end of the foyer, looking incredibly masculine in a sharp gray suit.
Heavenly’s heart leapt into her throat. Was he coming home to repair their relationship and stay? To tell them he needed more time apart? Or, god forbid, had he come to say goodbye?
He loosened his tie. “Sorry if I’m late. Jesus, what a day. Want me to set the table?”
“Please.” She handed him plates, napkins, and silverware, her gaze clinging to him.
Seth took everything, not kissing her hello and not quite meeting her stare. Instead, he glanced down with haunted eyes at what she’d given him. His expression made her throat tighten.
She cast a worried frown at Beck, who stood, watching.
“Glad you’re here, man,” he finally greeted Seth.
“Hey. Thanks,” Seth responded with a bob of his head before he turned to her. “You only gave me three plates.”
His unspoken question hung in the air. Where’s Zach?
Tension hummed in the room.
“It’s just the three of us eating. My brother is downstairs, asleep. He said he’d see us tomorrow. Apparently, he stayed up until four this morning watching game shows and WWE.”
Seth visibly relaxed and arranged three place settings like it was any other evening, like the conversation they had tonight might not decide their entire future. “Interesting combination. Anything else need to go on the table?”
“No.” She put the last piece of bread in the basket, then set it between the guys’ plates before skimming her hand across Seth’s shoulder because she couldn’t help herself. What if tonight was her last to touch him? The thought broke her heart, but she had to keep herself together and hear him out. “So, you had a rough day?”
He sighed. “Yeah. And long. Just ready for it to be over. But I’m glad I’m here.”
“Hard case?” Beck asked, setting down the meat platter and taking a seat.
Seth shrugged and helped her into her chair. “No, just shitty. I fucking hate cheating spouses. This dude was banging his wife’s sister. I had to tell my client today. She’s eight months pregnant.”
Heavenly gasped. “That poor woman…”
“Did you castrate the son of a bitch?” Beck grunted.
“I’d love to. When I broke the bad news, she cried all over me. I felt horrible for her, and this asshole… He’s destroyed her family. And the thing that pisses me off most? He has no idea what he’s thrown away. If he’d had a wife and child ripped from him, he would have learned to value them damn fast.”
Heavenly’s heart hurt for him. Of course cases like this affected him. He might be a badass, but Seth also had a tender, surprisingly sentimental side. Having to comfort that woman had clearly taken a toll on him and reminded him of his loss, but he’d done it, even sacrificing his own mental safeguards to take care of her. She loved him all the more for it. “But you were there when she needed you.”
“What damn good does it do when I don’t have any answers to give her?”
“Man, that’s not your job.” Beck forked a steak onto his plate and passed the platter of meat. “She asked you a specific question: is my husband a cheating asshole? You gave her the truth. It’s like patients who come to me and want to know if their vascular issues are fatal. I hate having to tell anyone the answer is yes…but I do it. They need to know so they can proceed and prepare. The existential stuff, like why and how will this be okay? That’s for them to find. You’ve done your part.”
Seth took a steak, then dished one for her. “I guess. It just sucks.”
“It does.” Beck took a spoonful of fruit and gave another to Heavenly. “But when this woman decides she wants to be happy again, she’ll take another chance on love. Hopefully, she’ll have learned her lesson and she’ll find the right someone and the happiness she’s lacking now.”
With a shrug, Seth loaded salad onto his plate. “Maybe so. How was everyone else’s day? Hopefully less shitty.”
“Is it less shitty to take your brother, who’s rarely seen the real world, out there so he can assimilate? I don’t know…”
Beck grabbed a beer out of the fridge and held one up for Seth, who raised his hand. A toss later, Seth caught it and popped it open.