Page 9 of Mated By the Alpha

She straightened, feeling him grow even harder. “You can? You do?”

“Hmm. And you’re divine, Sadie. Like forbidden fruit I’ve craved for a lifetime.”

She tipped her head back and stroked a single finger down the length of his jaw. Short stubble grazed her skin, and his eyes grew more intense as he watched her. No more than a half-inch of lust and magic-supercharged air separated them.

Every fiber of her being trained on him. She got that her laws forbid her to mate him, but what made her forbidden to him? She admitted not knowing too much about the shifter laws. What witch did? But, why did he get close to her only to pull back? Given everything she was dealing with over the past couple of days, she’d never asked why and only assumed it was her own laws keeping them apart.

And another thing she never asked was why he insisted on staying until closing time every night this past month.

All the hot fantasies she’d dreamed about with him flitted across her mind, causing another wave of desire to flood her system. Long showers featuring him lathering her body, caressing her until she had no choice but to scream from all the pleasure he infused her with. Then he’d make love to her against the steam-heated tiles. Or there were the nights of waking up from wet dreams, her pussy pulsating from the need for him and him there to care for her.

But they were just her fantasies.

They’d flirted, he’d teased, and they even shared a world-altering kiss. Then something had happened and he’d peeled out of there as if the demons of Hades chased his soul, leaving her to dream about his dark blue eyes and sizzling lips.

Her nerves twisted into a bundle of knots. “Listen, Aidan, I’m sorry about the mix-up. Please don’t be mad.” She rested her palms on his chest and slightly pushed. He leaned closer to rub his nose on the tips of hers, ignoring her.

“Mad? Do I look mad to you?” His masculine, yet gorgeous face a whisper away from hers.

No. He looked horny and as though she was the only thing that could satisfy the craving, and his tousled dark hair begging for her to run her fingers through.

It was uncanny, really, how she could read him so well tonight, but that was all due to her inability to follow rules.

“Umm. I just cast a spell over you, Aidan. That can’t make you too happy.”

Aidan wrapped a thick arm around her waist and scooted her bottom over the edge of the table until she was flush against his massive dick. “Spelled, huh? Imagine that. Will it be permanent?”

She gasped and let it out on a harsh groan of delight and shimmied her hips. She wished for a hunky drool-worthy alpha to call her own. Having a man who knew what she was as much as who she was and didn’t tuck tail and run from her magical side felt good for a change. Yeah, permanent sounded nice.

But she couldn’t do that to him no matter what she wanted. “No, Aidan. In fact, if I could nix the spell, I would. Unfortunately, you have a witch with a penchant for trouble on your hands and this kind of spell has to wear off by itself. It should only take a few hours—given the dosage you swallowed.” She plucked at some imaginary lint on his shirt unable to look him in the eye.

Aidan stared down at her. The heat from his gaze all but searing her skin.

“Or we can finish what we started a few nights ago.”