Page 5 of Mated By the Alpha

She shimmied her hips and groaned at the way his hands tightened in her hair.

“Sadie,” he warned in a deep whisper. One that she didn’t know was a warning or meant as a plea for her to do it again.

She liked the latter.

“Fuck, Sadie, stop, woman,” he growled. The sapphire of his eyes gave way to pure ruby red, and his chest vibrated with a deep growl that raced through their connected bodies.

Holy goddess.

Her breasts grew heavy and the tips of her nipples pushed at the fabric of her shirt and soft confines of her bra. Her core tightened with a throbbing need for release. Did all pack alphas have that power? To make their women come with just a touch and a heated look?

She clenched her thighs against the illicit delight. At least she tried. She still had a powerful alpha holding her legs open and from the way the muscle in his jaw bunched he was having a hard time deciding what he wanted.

Slowly, he released his grip on her hair and set her back from him. Was that regret she saw in his eyes? She could hope saying no to her wasn’t that easy.

“Sorry, Sadie.” Warring emotions flashed across his face until he settled on stoic and closed off. “It just can’t happen.” His forced words stung, but like Hades she’d let him see how deep his rejection hurt. Fool me once, shame on you.

She shook her head. Did it say glutton for punishment on her forehead or something?

Sadie shoved from his embrace and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. With a weak smile and a lofty shrug, she countered in a tight voice, “Yeah, got it.”

He sure the heck had a funny way of showing what he didn’t want with her. Even with the two feet of air separating them, her body still tingled from the heat he radiated. From the massive bulge in his pants, it was safe to say the same about him.

How long would he deny the attraction between them before things turned combustible? She’d wanted him from the first day she stepped foot in this town three years ago. She thought he wanted her too.

She glanced up. This close, those eyes, that body. She so needed to get laid.

Her stomach quivered. He slowly inhaled and raked his gaze over her body starting at the apex of her thighs, then along her abdomen, only to pause on her breasts. Could he see her hard nipples through the thin material of her shirt?

Her breasts grew heavy, and she pinched her thighs together to relieve the building pressure. One touch and she would do damn near anything for him. Her lascivious need for the alpha already had her libido inflamed, but something kept him beyond her reach other than the obvious crap about laws. But what else could there be? Aidan wasn’t one to fall in line. He didn’t follow rules, he broke them.

She wished he’d talk to her—they were friends, after all—but she knew not to push, and she sure wouldn’t beg.

He just stood there, his chest rising and falling in even breaths, but he was anything but relaxed.

So many questions filled her mind, ones he probably had no desire to answer, and how could she ask why he held back and not sound desperate for him? Weak?

If he was going to be nothing more than a tease, she had more important things to do. Like deliver her love potion and keep her ass housed for at least another month. Her vibrator and vivid imagination did just fine in taking care of her other needs, thank you very much. Good thing she’d just restocked her battery supply. A hot bubble bath, a little Moon Brew, and her handheld boyfriend would help her relax after the night she was having.

Without a word, she turned on her heel and threw a look over her shoulder at the growling man who stood tracking her progress across the bar. He wasn’t the only one that could be a tease. With each step, Sadie added a little more sexiness to the dip and sway of her hips.

She loved playing with the sexy beast, but sometimes the confounding man brought on more frustration than anything. The members of his pack respected him, called him a fair leader, but she knew more about him than most. How he’d saved his younger brother from elimination during a pack war that killed their father when they were just pups themselves. One night over beers he’d shared a heart-wrenching story of how the only way he could save his brother was to take on the challenging alpha. A fight to the death he knew could put him in the grave beside his father. According to Aidan, it was only luck and a heck of a lot of pure hatred that had gotten him through it. She thanked the goddess every time she thought about it that he made it out and was now alpha of his pack.

She elbowed past a few patrons huddled around the bar and signaled her only waiter over. It looked as if the cold of the winter night was bringing in a few more paying drinkers looking to stay warm after all.

“Amber, do me a favor. Dash upstairs and grab another canister of Moon Brew for me. You should see it as soon as you walk in the door.” Loud shouting and a table smashing cut into her words. “Take it to Aidan at table five for me?”

She knew when a friend needed something a little bit stronger than what came in a beer bottle. Moon Brew would go a long way in settling any tension between her and Aidan.

It also had a way of stirring some trouble with the younger crowd. She turned, cracked her knuckles and called on her magic.