Page 10 of Mated By the Alpha

Chapter Four

Aidan didn’t wait for her answer. Not that she had one. Her mouth hung open too far for her to form any words anyway. He was talking about their kiss. Their heart-searing single kiss that had seemed to last forever and was over just as fast. Then he’d pinned her against her bar, his fingers working her into a wet, mushy mess of want. His mouth devouring every exposed inch of her body. Which he made sure was almost bare so that left a lot of skin to cover with his obsessive kisses. Because that’s how they had felt. Like he was claiming her each time his mouth touched her body.

She couldn’t think about it without feeling the same rush of raw possessive need.

And before she could find her bearings, he’d stopped. Pulled back from her with a guilty, yet wistful, look in his eyes and left her exposed in more ways than one.

Aidan scrunched the ends of her shirt in his hands and lifted the soft material over her head in one tug, his fingers brushing along the soft skin of her sides. Dark locks of her hair fell to cover her bare breasts. “Delicious. And just the way I like them. Ample and firm. I plan to feast. Lie back.” His words were a low command.

He guided her down, slowly revealing her extended nipples from beneath her thick hair one at a time. He wrapped his warm mouth around one greedy peak, causing her to arch into the strong hands and hungry mouth of her hot alpha.

Bent over her, his cock pressed against her center. Instinct and need rocked her hips, and she enjoyed the rumbling growl of appreciation rising from deep inside him. She licked her lips and sighed from the double pleasure. Unable to resist, she buried her fingers in the length of his hair and held him to her if only for one more borrowed second of passion.

“Aidan, you have to stop. Please.”

Who was she kidding with such a weak plea? Need for him tugged at her center, but she had to make him see what was going on. But honestly, did she want to give him another chance to walk away again? Not really, but it would be the right thing to do.

Her head rocked from side to side and her eyes fluttered shut.

Teeth scraped along the underside of her breasts, and then his soft lips encased the other dusky tip. He hollowed his cheeks, rolled her nipple in the confines of his mouth, lashing the bud into a tight peak with his tongue.

“Goddess, that should be illegal,” she groaned.

With deft fingers, Aidan trailed a blazing path along her midriff to flick the button on her jeans open. The hiss of her zipper opening followed.

Sadie pressed a hand on his shoulder and nudged him away. “Aidan, we can’t. Not like this.” He pulled back but only far enough to lock their gazes. Warm eyes filled with patience and a barely banked fire stared back at her. Flames reached down into her and brushed along the sensitive nerves of her clit. She shivered. How could he stir a fire so hot in her with just a look?

“Do you have any idea how erotically delicious you taste?”

Umm… yeah. She was starting to get an idea.

She tilted her head putting their lips only a breath away from his. Sadie raked her fingers through his thick hair and tightened her grip.

Their heated breath mixed, and she didn’t need his heightened senses to feel the raw, carnal need coursing in the air between them. She circled her hips and almost melted into a puddled mess of desire from the overload of sensations that strummed against her clit.

Her bare breasts nestled against the warm material of his shirt, the soft friction heavenly. “Why did it have to be you?” She moaned. Her magic hummed just beneath the surface, boosting her awareness of him.

Aidan wrapped his arms around her back and thumbed the band of her jeans. In one smooth motion, he had her stripped bare except for the small material of her black panties. A cold breeze brushed against her fevered skin but did little to squelch the burn he stoked to life in her.

A predatory smile split his lips, and for a fleeting moment she caught a glimpse of the beast that lurked inside. “Sometimes we don’t choose. Sometimes something magical brings people together. Wouldn’t you say, Sadie?” His words struck a chord, and she froze. He was right.

“Or some things are just meant to be,” he added in another breath.

Before she responded, he fell to his knees between her thighs and clasped her ankles in a firm grip. In a slow movement, he eased her knees apart until she was on full display for him.

He ran his nose along her seam and inhaled softly. A stunning smile of pure enchantment brightened his features a second before he pulled the strip of silk to the side and dragged his tongue through her juices.

She sucked back a gulp of air as sharp teeth grazed the insides of her legs. First her right, then left. With one pull, he shed her of the last bit of cloth covering her. She pushed up on her elbows. Could his eyes be any more intense? They were pure red now, any trace of blue gone. A long moment of silence settled between them. His gaze filled with a savage hunger she’d never witnessed before in him or any other man. It sent a strange thrill through her to think he was that desperate for her, the troublesome witch of Sleepy Briar.

“I… uh… I mean we—” Damn it, grow a backbone already and be bold for once. Warm moisture swept across her bare pussy. Any hopes of control were discarded by the wayside.

“Look at me.” She did, and the man she saw kneeling before her stilled her heart. “You want me, Sadie. I can sense it like your magic senses there’s something different about me. Us. It feels the pull of my energy and recognizes an unclaimed bond between us.” He tilted his head and placed light kisses where he’d licked her wet, aching folds just seconds ago.

“Don’t you think we need to fix that, baby?”

Her pussy tensed, ready with an answer.

Warm liquid trickled down her seam.