The suggestion was intriguing. For me, the character didn’t need any special powers or abilities or anything to make her unique and captivating, but I realized that young viewers might want something more to connect to the character. And I also knew it would be foolish to ignore a suggestion from my professor. She was someone whose knowledge and wisdom I respected. If she felt strongly about this, perhaps it was important for me to examine.
“It’s just something to consider,” my professor said before extending her hand. I placed the sketch pad in her palm, and she removed the Post-It, marking the cover of the pad with a large A. “I’ll have my T.A. send you all the program info to your student email. Oh, and I’ll try to find a brochure, as well.”
“Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate it. And I promise to give your suggestions a lot of thought.”
“I know changing a vision isn’t always easy, but I think you could do great things with this plot, Wyatt. Really give it some consideration, all right?”
Relief took hold of my entire body as I exited the building and breathed in the fresh April air. My pulse was finally returning to normal as I walked across the quad, tempted to head north toward Green Street. I could stop by Spotlight Video and share my news with Tilly if she was working.
Deciding against it, I headed east to Langford Hall. Dahlia’s excitement would spur me on enough to look into the UCLA program and eagerly await the email that would arrive from Professor Cohen’s teaching assistant.
And stocking up on anime and comic books certainly wouldn’t hurt.