He laughed uncomfortably and shifted in his seat. “Sorry, I get a little opinionated sometimes.”
“Nothing wrong with that.”
“I bet I could get you into country.”
“Probably shouldn’t bet any money on that. My Prince-loving heart is already spoken for.”
“I see.” He took another bite, and we sat in silence.
Well, this is awkward.
I couldn’t help but wonder if I had done something to turn Kevin off. Our effortless black coffee and a cinnamon roll attraction seemed to wane the more we learned about each other.
Was I ready to throw in the towel? Hell no. Sully was absolutely right when he said that Kevin resembled George Clooney. The boy was fine. And I figured we just needed to find new topics. Music clearly wasn’t it.
“So, okay,” I said, dabbing my mouth with a napkin. “Who’s your biggest crush in Hollywood?”
“Um,” he said, clearing his throat, looking slightly like a deer in headlights. “I don’t know.”
“Oh, come on. I won’t judge you.”
“No, I just can’t really think of anyone.”
“Well, didn’t you see that episode of Friends? Where Ross and Rachel were allowed to choose the five celebrities they were allowed to sleep with?”
“No.” He gritted his teeth. “I don’t watch Friends.”
“Oh. I mean, that’s fine.” I waved him away. “You can still tell me your five.”
“Five, huh?” he asked, looking flustered.
“I mean, you don’t have to come up with five. But, I’m going to warn you right now…I have no trouble coming up with that many. So, don’t hold back.”
“I mean, we’re surrounded by movie boxes all the time. Some of them have to catch your eye.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, shaking his head. “Pamela Anderson.”
“Wait. Are you telling me you watch Baywatch?”
He turned red. “I mean, if it’s on…I also saw the, um…sex tape.”
“Oh,” I said, disappointed to hear that detail.
“What’s wrong?”
“I guess I just think people need to stop watching that.”
“They put it out there. What did they think was gonna happen?”
“No, they didn’t. Someone stole that tape.”
“Don’t you think that’s a little naïve?”
Oh, no, you didn’t.
“They’re suing Penthouse. It was their private tape. Look, I’m not her biggest fan or anything, but I think it’s shitty that their private moments are out there, you know, for anyone to see. I hope they win their lawsuit.”