“What? Will he turn into The Incredible Hulk or something?”
Dutch threw his head back in laughter, clapping his hands. “Classic!”
“We don’t discuss that poor excuse for a movie,” Sully said, his cheeks red and puffy. “It’s garbage. And it makes the whole series look bad. Sigourney Weaver should’ve turned it down flat.
“Tell us how you really feel,” Emmett said under his breath as he tossed a crumpled paper towel into the trash.
I put my hands up in surrender. “Okay, sorry! Didn’t mean to hit a nerve.”
“I’ll let this one slide, Norway. But get your shit together. For real.”
“Oh, my God, Sully!” Tilly yelled, rounding the corner and storming down the main aisle of the store. “Conversation over. Come with me, Wyatt. I need your help.”
“See ya, guys,” I said with a laugh.
“I’m so sorry,” she said under her breath. “He’s a lunatic sometimes.”
“I think he’s kind of hilarious,” I said. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone more passionate about movies and stuff.”
“I know, but I was worried he would make you uncomfortable. He’s a little over-the-top sometimes.”
“I can handle Sully,” I said, shaking my head as we approached the picks shelves. “So, you needed my help?”
“No, not really. I just wanted to get you away from those guys before they fried your brain.”
“It’s all good. They’re good guys,” I said.
“Most of the time.”
“Nice picks,” I said, glancing up at her shelf.
Her entire picks shelf was filled with familiar eighties movies: The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
“Oh, thanks. I’ve been on such a John Hughes kick lately. Hannah warned me that they were kinda cult-ish with that guy. And I think they’ve gotten to me.”
“I haven’t seen this one,” I said, grabbing the box for Pretty in Pink.
“Are you kidding? Wyatt, how have you not seen that movie? I could’ve sworn we watched it together. I mean, I have the tape at my parents’ house.”
“I mean, maybe we didn’t really pay attention to it,” I said, my tone flirty, reminding her of all the movies we ‘watched’ in her room that we never saw more than five minutes of.
“Ah. You may be right,” she said, blushing. “But you’ve seen the rest, right?”
“Of course.”
“Okay, we’re renting that one. Soon.”
“Works for me,” I said. “Let’s watch Ferris, too. I haven’t seen that in a while.”
“Ferris never gets old.”
“Save Ferris,” I said with a sink.
Tilly nodded, pressing her fist to her chest. “Save Ferris.”
“So, listen, I came by today for a reason.”
“Oh, right. I didn’t even think to ask why you were here. I’m just happy to see you.”