Page 59 of Late Fees

I touched the side of my face. “Oh, my God, do I look horrible?” I looked frantically around the store. “Why are there no mirrors in here?”

“No, no, it’s just that earlier you asked if you looked okay. I have rehearsal tonight, so I brought my arsenal of make-up. I’ll be happy to get you ready for your coffee date.”

Playfully, I crossed my arms. “You wanna ‘Ringwald’ me, don’t you?”

“I want to what?” She looked genuinely confused.

“Oh, come off it. I know you want to do the whole make-up thing that she does at the end of the movie. You know, for that hideous girl who puts her dandruff all over the picture. She makes her look all cute so the jock will notice her.”

Naomi put her hand in front of her mouth and laughed. “Wait, you mean like in The Breakfast Club? When Claire does Allison’s make-up to get Andrew?”

“Mmm-hmm. I mean, I don’t know the character names, but yeah.”

Naomi shook her head. “Tilly—”

“No, I’m serious. Hannah warned me that you guys were like some sort of John Hughes cult or something. You’re trying to ‘Ringwald’ me. Am I that hideous?”

I placed my hand on my chest and conjured up the most horrified look I could muster.

Naomi threw her head back in laughter. “Absolutely not! You can’t really think that, Tilly. I mean, you’re gorgeous…obviously. But a little make-up never hurt anyone. And you have to admit that Allison looks a lot better at the end of the movie than she did at the beginning.”

“That is true.”

“I just wanted to help you get your guy.”

“I’m not trying to get anyone. I don’t want Wyatt. Not anymore.”

“Okay, I realize I don’t know you that well, but I have the best bullshit detector on the planet.” She gloated, pointing to her head. “You’re totally lying right now.”

“I’m not!” I protested. “He just—” I paused and shook my body from head to toe. “He gets under my skin, and I hate it. I. Hate. It.”

She winked. “Sure, you do.”

Shaking my head vigorously, I placed my hands on my hips. “Hey! May I remind you that Emilio Estevez’s character was already interested in the creepy girl before Molly Ringwald did her make-up. That whole scene was superfluous.”

“No, the two characters had tension, but when he saw her with her new makeover, it totally sealed the deal. He didn’t know he was interested until he could see her damn face.”

Speechless, I closed my mouth tight, wishing I had a retort.

I didn’t. And Naomi knew it.

“Don’t mess with me when it comes to John Hughes, girl. I will mess you up!” She let out a cackle and returned to the desk with a shit-eating grin on her face. The same grin that eased itself across my lips. And it was right then and there that I knew Naomi and I were going to be good friends. No. Great friends.

She got me.

And that was priceless.

But I would have to become well-versed in John Hughes if I was going to win any arguments with her.

My heart was betraying me.

It was fluttering so hard that my hands were trembling. I stuffed them into my pockets as I waited at the counter.

“Did you make your picks yet?” Sully asked.

“Oh, crap, I totally forgot.”

“Empty shelves suck. Go work on it until Loverboy arrives.”