Page 121 of Late Fees

Raising both eyebrows, I looked down at the red circle right between his thighs. “The spinner doesn’t lie,” I said, sliding my hand inside his boxers, where he was already hard and ready. Stroking him a few times, tickling his balls with the tips of my fingers, he moaned beneath me. Sliding his boxers off, I eased the condom on and he shivered.

Hovering over him, I teased his lips with my own, pulling away slightly when his lips tried to possess mine.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“You,” he said, his eyes pained with a yearning that I knew matched my own. His tone was strong, unyielding, confident. “I want you rightnow.”

“I’m yours,” I said, lying back and pulling off my shirt and bra, dropping them next to me on the bed.

A bright bolt of desire poured from Wyatt’s eyes as he peeled off my skirt and panties, throwing them to the floor; his lips explored the bare skin of my stomach and chest. Shivers of delight followed his touch as I opened myself to him, wrapping my legs around his waist once again.

The warmth of his body was intoxicating. Gently, he eased into me, and every muscle in my body tensed with expectation. I threw my head back and inhaled sharply at the feel of him inside me. My hands traveled down his back, and my hands cupped his chiseled ass as he sank further into me. My entire body ached with longing, and my heart thumped erratically as Wyatt thrust again and again, slowly finding the tempo that bound us together. His thumb caressed my most sensitive spot, threatening to push me over the edge.

“Don’t stop.” Passion radiated from the soft core of my body like the hottest fire, and I knew I was seconds away from coming apart completely.

“Oh…my…God!” I called out as ripples of pleasure consumed me like an ocean current striking against the shore. My toes curled, and my muscles throbbed and contracted around him, pushing him closer to his own release.

“Tilly,” he grunted into my shoulder as his entire body tensed against me. He reached up and grabbed the headboard, gripping it tightly as he came. He grunted once more, and I sighed in pleasant exhaustion as he sank into me. Holding him tight, my hands gripped the sweaty muscles of his back as we both came back down to Earth.

“Wow,” I said, swallowing hard.

Wyatt kissed me gently on the lips. “I know. That was…”

“Indescribable?” I asked, my breath slightly ragged.

He smiled easily, his eyes warm and satisfied. “Yes. Totally indescribable.”

He rolled to his back, and I eased into the nook of his chest, wrapping my arm around him, trying to catch my breath.

“Do you ever just want to take a moment and savor it forever?” I asked, running my fingers up and down his pecs.

“Only every minute I spend with you,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

“I’d savor this moment. This one right here. I didn’t think we’d ever get here, but I’m so glad we did.”

“Me, too,” he said, then he laughed. “That might be the understatement of the century. I’ve wanted this for so long; it feels like a dream.”

“It does,” I said. “I swear you can read my mind because I was just thinking that earlier. It’s like a dream I don’t want to wake up from. Ever. And I’m so scared that I will, Wyatt.”

He ran his fingers through my hair.

“But it’s not a dream, Tilly. It’s real,” he said, kissing my head again. “You’re here, in my arms. And with every moment we’re together, my heart falls even more in love with you.”

“You love me?” I asked, my heart soaring as I rose up on one elbow and gazed into his eyes, emotional tears threatening to spill from mine.

“Is that too fast? Because honestly, I never stopped. Not when there was an ocean between us or when I wondered if I’d ever get the chance to hold you again. I never stopped loving you. And if I’m honest, I’m starting to think I never will.”

“I don’t want you to,” I said, shaking my head, tears rolling down my cheeks. “I never stopped either, Wyatt. I tried to pretend that I did. Hell, I ran as far away from those feelings as I possibly could. But the minute you set foot in Spotlight, I knew I’d never stopped. And it scared the absolute hell out of me.”

“I’m scared, too,” he said, placing his hand on my cheek. “I’m terrified of losing you again, of doing something to screw all of this up.”

“I know the feeling.”

“Do you?” he asked, his eyes pained, and I knew there was so much hurt behind that expression.

“Maybe not in the same way, but yes. I swear it, Wyatt. I’m crazy about you. You have to know that.”

He nodded, closing his eyes tight, and I kissed him gently on his swollen lips.

“Thank you for telling me about Los Angeles,” I said. “I’m going to miss you like crazy, but…you telling me…it means a lot.”

“No more apple fritter bags, Till. I mean it.”

“No more apple fritter bags,” I repeated with a contented sigh, desperate to make him smile again. “Do you want to watch Jurassic Park?”

And it worked. A grin spread across his face, and he opened his eyes. They were wet with emotion, but happiness shined through as he beamed at me.

“I thought you’d never ask.”