“Because Ryman can’t find her.”

“So maybe you scared the woman and she ran. Why is he in such a hurry?”

They heard her toss her cell phone on the table. “Because she won’t stop. Ryman found out Mandarian is Allison Rendahl, and believe me, she’s out for revenge.”

“Who’s that?”

“She was twelve the last time I saw her. Ryman and I had to take her parents out a long time ago because her dad was a lame-ass painter who tried to blackmail Daddy. She’s all grown up now, a prosecutor, and she’s out for blood.”

“She changed her name?”

“I shot her, injured her, and someone stole her out of the hospital before we could finish it. It turns out it was her uncle. He took her to Australia and adopted her. That’s where she grew up. I hadn’t thought about her since. She should be married and raising kids in the outback. Instead she’s back here, and Daddy is going to prison because of her. I’m not going to let the bitch do the same to me. Do you know, I think I have an idea how to take care of her. Is there any more vodka?”

They heard the sound of glasses filling and clinking together, and the recording ended.

Griffin pulled Kirra against him. She was stiff as a board at first, and then, slowly, she began to cry, deep, wrenching sobs. When the storm was over, she said, “She thinks she’s going to kill me, Griffin, but she’s wrong. She’s going to spend her life in a cell, like Ryman and her father.”

He held her close to him until she fell asleep.

Near dawn, he woke up to Kirra’s mouth and hands on him. He didn’t slow her down, didn’t think he could, and honestly didn’t want to.

And afterward, Griffin held her again as she wept.