Molly pulled out a box of stationery, sat back on her heels, and opened it. “Expensive stationery, never used. It’s engraved with the name Williard House. That’s got to be where we are, Williard House. I wonder if the same family still owns it.”

Sherlock shuffled through the letters, muttered under her breath. “They don’t have any envelopes, so we don’t have an address. But there’s got to be one somewhere in this pile.”

But no luck. Molly sighed. “Finding an address would have given us the moon, Sherlock. I wish we could pull out our cell phones and type in Williard House.”

Sherlock swallowed her disappointment. “Let’s keep looking, Molly; there’s still a good chance we’ll find the address, but really what we need more is weapons, something sharp or heavy—silverware, knives.”

They found silverware in three heavy burgundy leather boxes, each box etched with a “W.” There were enough place settings for twenty, all elaborate heavy silver pieces, tarnished to near black. And several big carving knives.

Sherlock hefted one of the knives, balanced it in her hand, then another. “They’re perfect and heavy enough, but not very sharp. Too bad they won’t stop a man with a gun.”

Molly hefted another one, testing its balance just like Sherlock. “I don’t know why I’m doing this. I have no idea how to throw a knife. But, hey, I can sure wield it if push comes to shove.” They heard footsteps outside and quickly closed the box of silverware, sealed it, and slid it neatly against the other boxes. They raced back to the blankets, sat down, and shoved the knives under their legs.

When Nero and Domino walked into the basement, they saw Molly and Sherlock sitting side by side on the blanket, their backs against the wall, both looking depressed. Molly said, “I don’t suppose you brought us some dinner?”

Nero looked toward the table with the chair sitting on top, the open window, and the pieces of plywood on the floor. He gave a rictus of a smile. “Mrs. Hunt couldn’t make it through, I see. And you could hardly hope to cover all that up, could you? I do wish I could have seen your faces when you realized you’d failed. Actually, you’re lucky you didn’t make it through because like I told you my men would have shot you, or at least you, Agent Sherlock. So, ladies, better you failed.” He sounded very pleased with himself. Sherlock thought of bringing up the heavy carving knife and throwing it at him, but he was too far away. She doubted she’d have the time before he shot her in the head. She hadn’t thrown a knife in too long a time. She had to get him up close and personal.

Domino carried a tray to where they sat and laid it on a blanket. She picked up the old tray with the uneaten sandwiches, rose, and backed away.

Nero said, “A pity you wouldn’t eat the tuna sandwiches. My men will enjoy them. But now you have something better, meatball subs.”

Molly pointed to the plastic-wrapped subs. “Are these drugged, too?”

Nero shook his head. “No reason to drug you tonight. I want you to have one last night worrying about what’s going to happen to you.”

Domino shot a glance at Nero. “No, they’re not drugged. There’s no reason for you to go hungry.”

Nero said in a flat voice, “Domino isn’t lying. Enjoy them, they’re tasty. You’ll want to keep your strength up. For what, you wonder? I’ll give you this much—we’re having a photo shoot tomorrow.” He glanced toward the window, smiled. “No, you two little birds won’t be flying off anywhere.”

Sherlock said, “You know Agent Savich and Judge Hunt will demand proof we’re alive so that’s why you want to shoot a video.”

He rested his cold, nearly colorless eyes on Sherlock. “It’s rather obvious, don’t you think, Agent Sherlock? And do give thought to what’s going to happen to you if you don’t cooperate.” He fanned his Sig up and down over her. “It seems very cliché, doesn’t it, but that’s what is required. Enjoy your meal, ladies.” He motioned to Domino and she walked out of the basement in front of him. Nero gave Sherlock a last look and a sneer. “You’re not such a hotshot agent, are you, Agent Sherlock? I was expecting so much more given all your heroics at JFK and the shootout at the Lincoln Monument. But it seems you’ve met your match.” He smiled wide at her, his big square teeth on display.

He waited but Sherlock didn’t say anything.

He pointed his Sig at her face. “Say it, bitch, or I’ll kill you this instant.”

Sherlock smiled up at him. “Sure, Nero. I’ve met my match, no doubt in my mind.”

He nodded, pleased. “Get your beauty sleep.” He looked toward the window. “No, you two little birds have roosted. Do get lots of sleep, you want to look your best tomorrow.” He walked out and closed the door. They heard the key turn in the lock.

Sherlock looked at the meatball subs sitting on the tray. “Do you want to take a chance or not?”

Molly said, “I’m hungry. While you were thinking about logistics, I was thinking about food.”

“Trust me, I’m as hungry as you are,” Sherlock said. “I don’t see why he’d drug us overnight.” She picked up a sub and bit into it. “Molly?”

Molly picked up the other one and chewed on it.

Sherlock took another bite, chewed. “I wonder what Dillon will do to Nero after I’m done with him.”

For a moment, Molly felt optimistic. She grinned at Sherlock. “Will there be anything left of him for Ramsey?”

Sherlock licked the tomato sauce off her fingers. She took Molly’s hand and squeezed it.