Violence stirred in Nero’s eyes. “You made that up, didn’t you? You have no idea, do you, you stupid bitch. Don’t you agree, Domino?”

Domino said without hesitation, “Yes.” Smart girl.

The words were out of Sherlock’s mouth before she could stop herself. “It makes sense you don’t know anything, Nero. You’re only the hired help, like Mrs. Hunt said, a bit player, nothing more. Why would Molly tell you anything?”

He leaped to his feet. “Shut up or I’ll shoot you both here and now.” He towered over them, moving his gun from one to the other. Sherlock held her breath. She saw his rage. She’d pushed him too hard. A little late to realize you should have kept your mouth shut. Sherlock prayed.

Slowly, very slowly, Nero calmed. He said in a dead voice, “I will delight in killing you, Agent Sherlock, but not today.” He motioned to Domino, and together they left the basement room without another word.

Molly and Sherlock heard the key turn in the lock.

Molly grabbed Sherlock. “I was afraid he was going to kill you!”

“Believe me, Molly, I realized fast I should have kept quiet. I’ve got to be more careful with him. Now let’s eat the potato chips and have a look at that window. We can’t stay here.”

“I am hungry. Do you really think the sandwiches could be drugged?”

“I’d bet my lucky two-headed quarter on it.” She grinned at Molly. “I use it with Dillon. He’s never guessed even though I beat him every time. Or maybe he knows and he’s only letting me get away with it. Let’s stick with the potato chips. Do you really think you know why we were taken? Or were you trying to get Nero to tell us?”

“I’m not sure, but it’s the only thing I can think of that makes sense. I think it could all be about the confessions I forced my father and the Shakers to sign six years ago to put an end to the war between them. The original documents are in our lawyer’s safe in San Francisco. Maybe Rule Shaker wants them back. The question is why? And why now?”

“You’re thinking he wants to start up another war with your father?”

“I’m afraid that might be it. Sherlock, if that’s what this is about, we can’t let it happen.”

“You’re right. We can’t, so let’s see if your butt is too curvy to get through the window.”

“If I can squeeze through, what about Nero’s men?”

“It can’t be long now before it gets dark. We’ll get the window open and wait.”