Kirra sat forward. She would bring it up before they did, get it out of the way. “Yes, my parents’ murder was very hard. But I had Uncle Leo. He took me directly from the hospital back to Australia with him.”

Griffin said, “And we understand Lieutenant Thorpe led the original investigative team.”

Kirra forced her voice to remain calm and said in her no-nonsense prosecutor’s voice, “That’s right, but he was much more. If Jeter hadn’t found me in the cave, I don’t know what would have happened to me.” Her chin went up. “And that makes both Jeter and my uncle my heroes. They’re why I’m here.

“So tell me, how do you plan to proceed? As you know, my own hands are tied unless Mr. Hailstock personally instructs me to prepare for trial. Will you be looking into Josh Atwood’s murder yourself? Our own police chief can only help informally since it’s not in his jurisdiction.”

“Yes, we will,” Pepper said. “The possibility Bellison’s chief of police actively suppressed evidence gives us that prerogative. I imagine Eliot Ness knew that quite well.”

Kirra ignored that smooth bit of bait. “I’m relieved you’re going to be involved. All the attorneys in the Homicide Unit know who you are by now. Needless to say, all of them are rooting for the big bad feds to hold Mr. Hailstock’s feet to the fire.” She looked at her watch and rose, extended her hand to each of them. “I’m so sorry but I have a meeting with a defense attorney in five minutes. I hope I’ve been of help to you.”

“Of course you have, Ms. Mandarian.” Savich shook her hand. “Thank you.”

Griffin looked down at the rough sketch he’d drawn of her on his notepad and back at her face again. Tough and smooth as silk. He thought she’d make a good special agent.