He gave her a big smile. “I can do four.”

“I have a condition, too.”

His eyebrow went up.

“We spend all our vacations here in Australia with Uncle Leo, unless he wants to go off with us to Majorca or Oslo or somewhere.”

“The kids and I can do that. We’ll have a good neighbor who’ll keep the dogs.”

“Excellent. Now, I know Uncle Leo likes you, but enough to have you for a nephew-in-law? I’ll have to talk to him. Oh, Griffin, there’s so much we’ll do, so much fun we’ll have. When we’re here, I’ll teach you things, like how to wrap a bullwhip around a scrub python without hurting him, or how to play with joeys without their mother killing you.”


“Only one of my talents. Are we agreed?”

He pressed his forehead against hers. “About Leo. After I tucked you in last night, we had a talk. He wanted to know my intentions. I told him I loved you and wanted to marry you. He thought it was a fine idea and we toasted with his Talisker. But, Kirra, our kids—what if they look like me? You know, homely, but kind and loyal?”

“No worries, I have dominant genes. Our kids will look like me, and Uncle Leo calls me his beauty. You can bask in our glory.”

How could he not adore her? Griffin held her loosely against him, felt the wind pick up, blow her hair against his face. “After two shots of Talisker, Leo told me even if I wanted to run for the hills sometimes, with you as my wife I’d never be bored.”

Her laughter rang out over Trinity Bay.

Life could never be sweeter than it was at that moment.