“How long is Melissa Kay staying?”

“Tomorrow through Tuesday, which—hallelujah—isn’t a problem for me. When my boss, Alec, found out I was almost killed yesterday, he asked me to work from home until he thinks it’s safe for me to come back into the office.”

When the game was over, Griffin rose. Kirra rose too. “Go brush your teeth, Griffin, and I’ll get you blankets and the softest pillow in the universe.”

He stepped in front of her, took her hands. “Good night, Kirra. Please remember, you’re no longer alone. That means no haring off somewhere by yourself. You promise?”

“A partner. Yes, I promise.” She sounded as if she still couldn’t believe it.

When Kirra’s bedroom light went off, Griffin was lying on the surprisingly comfortable sofa, his arms cradling his soft pillow, his mind still going at warp speed. He knew he’d have to walk a very fine line between helping Kirra the commonwealth attorney and Eliot Ness the vigilante. He realized she knew the Grissoms were involved in the murder of her parents, but how did she know? Did she have some kind of proof already, besides her memory of a woman’s voice?

He had to be patient. Trust was a fragile thing, easy to lose and a bitch to regain.