It was clear Hailstock hadn’t thought of this possibility. Pepper let him consider that golden image of himself for a moment, then added the hammer. “But if you sit on this, Mr. Hailstock, if you don’t act, if you aren’t seen as moving quickly forward on the gold-plated evidence presented to you, you can count on it getting out because I’ll make sure it does. The media will start asking questions you may not want to answer. Actually, I predict you’d be crucified. If you continue not to act, it’s very possible people will be inclined to believe you’re in Grissom’s pocket.”

Griffin gave Pepper a wink. None of them said anything more, willing to let Hailstock stew. They watched him rise and take two turns around his office. When he faced them again, he was in full control of himself, and his voice was austere. “I didn’t run for this office to garner fame, Ms. Jersik. I ran to keep my city safe, and I want to do it right. I will not rush to judgment to make myself look like some kind of hero in the media.” He paused. “It would seem to me the FBI is in constant need of positive publicity. If you send Grissom to prison for life for drug trafficking, you will claim the spotlight for yourselves. I willingly cede it to you.” He splayed his hands. “The Department of Justice will give you medals, the public will celebrate you, and justice will be served.” He paused again, and when he spoke, his voice rang out, passionate as an evangelist’s. “As I said, I didn’t take this office for the glory. My goal has always been simply to keep my city safe, and I will judge for myself how to do that.”

Pepper wanted to applaud. He’d surprised her, actually sounded believable enough to fill the collection plates in church. She could see now how he’d been elected. “That was impressive, Mr. Hailstock. I strongly suggest you study the evidence again, and listen to all your attorneys, not just those you say agree with you. If you fail to proceed with dispatch, fail to meet your responsibilities, you will force us to intervene. I’ll remind you the chief of police in Bellison is already implicated as being bribed by Grissom and you don’t want to raise the suspicion you may be compromised yourself, or if not compromised, then ineffective.” She paused, put her second boot hard on his neck. “I imagine inaction might make people wonder if you should finish your term. Perhaps a recall would be in order with all the accompanying humiliation. None of that would leave you comfortable in your Ferragamos.”

She saw he’d felt that one. He flushed, but said nothing.

Savich said, “It seems you have a good deal to think about, Mr. Hailstock. Ms. Jersik pointed out the benefits to you and to Porte Franklyn if you proceed with dispatch. We’ll be in touch. Have a good day.”

On their way out, Savich gave Mrs. Quigley a warm smile. She gaped at him, opened her mouth, shut it. When they were on the elevator, Pepper rubbed her hands together. “That was fun. We scared the crap out of him. What do you think he’ll do?”

Savich said, “That depends on whether he’s playing with the devil or believes his own hype.”

Griffin said, “At least now we know what he is. And maybe that’s one of the things Eliot Ness hoped we’d find out.”