“I wonder if they’ll decide to throw me off a mountain or slam me over the head and bury me in the forest, maybe drown me in one of the lakes. This place is vast. They’ve got lots of options.”

“You heard them, they’re going to try to kill us both, not just you. I wish you wouldn’t smile like a loon.”

She shook his hand, squeezed it. “Griffin, don’t you see, we had to do something. What else was there? If we’d gone back to Porte Franklyn, Melissa Kay and Ryman would have come at me, anyway—and picked their time and place. Can you imagine living like that? Or I guess I could run and hide, maybe go into witness protection. But now we can get them. You heard her, she’s going to call Ryman, get him up here. Then they’ll act. Fast.”

“The first thing they’ll do is try to look you up online. They don’t know your maiden name, so you’re probably safe, but I’m not. What if they figure out I’m Griffin Hammersmith, FBI agent?”

Kirra said, “You know what? Even if they find out who you are, I don’t think that would stop Melissa Kay. I don’t think it would even slow her down. She’s bat-crap crazy, Griffin.”

“I don’t suppose Eliot Ness would consider leaving here?”

“Stop giving me that brooding look of yours. Look, Eliot Ness is a mensch. He faces every threat head-on. You know I’m right about this, Griffin. This is our chance. It could be my only chance.”

Griffin gave it up. “We’ll stay out of sight for now. They’ve got to plan so we can listen to them up at our suite. We’ll need backup. Savich is still in Maine, but I can call Jeter, get him and a few of his detectives up here. But, Kirra, listen to me. I’m going to be the one who decides what happens here from now on. Not Eliot Ness, not Allison Hammersmith. If this thing threatens to go south, I’m going to tie you up and haul you out of here if I have to.”

She gave him a fat smile. “Understood. You’re the boss. I know the last thing you want is for something terrible to happen to the newlyweds.”

Griffin arched an eyebrow at Kirra. He knew her, this fearless woman he’d been with for such a short time. So much had happened between them. She’d opened something deep inside him and burrowed right in. He knew it had to end here or her life wouldn’t be worth spit. He knew he’d do anything to stop Melissa Kay and Ryman Grissom today and stop them for good. Justice for Kirra’s parents? Or revenge for what they’d done to her? He chose to believe it was both.