“I informed Henri Delos when Mike was due to arrive in Washington. My only demand was that Mike not be killed and Delos agreed. I was an idiot. Of course René Delos would kill any of us without a qualm.

“But you were too smart for him, Mike. I congratulate you.

“I met René Delos in Cannes two years ago while on R&R. I realize now he’d arranged to meet me, knew exactly who I was, though he pretended to be surprised when I told him. The long and short of it is he handed me five hundred thousand dollars in cash and assured me it was only to provide him with any information I chanced to come across that might affect his brother’s company. I justified my taking the money by telling myself no one could be hurt, no information I would give him would be critical to national security. And I wanted the money, wanted the freedom it provided me and my family. And for a while he asked me for very little, only enough, I soon realized, to incriminate me. Then Henri Delos himself suddenly contacted me as we were preparing for our mission, surprised me by knowing exactly what team I was on and where I was assigned. I realized later, of course, my cell phone had been compromised. Delos wanted to know whether I knew anything about where Hashem was headed, where he could find him. When I refused to tell him anything, he said he would release the information I’d already given him to the CIA, ruin my career, and I would be sent to jail, disgraced. Still, I balked. He threatened my family, said he would send his brother, René, to visit them, that all of them would die if I refused. Of course, as I told you, Delos assured me none of my team would be hurt, that the retrieval of the flash drive was his only aim.

“Olivia, I know you’re thinking I’m great at making excuses, at justifying what I did, and you’re right. I know you can’t forgive me, but you and I, we’ve known each other from the beginning. You have to know I’ve very pleased you and Mike survived and that Delos and his vicious brother will end their lives in prison. I do know French prisons will be worse than anything we can imagine. As for René, rather than prison, I would prefer he be shot like a rabid dog.

“I will have to live the rest of my life with what I’ve done, with what could have happened to you and Mike. I have severed ties with my family, but at least they will be safe. By the time you listen to this recording, I will have left the United States. You will not find me. If nothing else, I know how to disappear.

“Good-bye, Olivia. I wish you and Mike great happiness.”

Savich heard a sharp intake of breath from Lodner, saw his expression was cold, hard, his hand fisted around his coffee mug. He saw tears pool in Carlton Grace’s eyes, and he looked away.

Hendricks said quietly, “I’d say we’re all very sorry, Olivia. At least Agent Creamer’s recording clears the air for us. There need be no more suspicions. Carlton, Fulton, I’m charging you with finding Agent Creamer, though I doubt it will be easy.” He paused a moment. “No, it won’t be easy at all, very probably impossible.”

The director studied Fulton Lodner’s face. “I need hardly say there will be no reprimands for either Agent Kingman or Agent Hildebrandt. In fact, I will see to it they both receive commendations for their valor. Mike, Olivia, don’t underestimate the importance of what you accomplished. I thank you. The CIA thanks you.”

Hendricks paused a moment, smiled. “Agent Savich, it’s been a pleasure to work with you and your team. Perhaps you should consider coming over to the CIA?”

Savich smiled as he slowly shook his head.