He said finally, his voice calm, “It’s been seven years, Mia, and now when I think of Serena, I try to remember how much we meant to each other, how much fun we had together, how much we enjoyed each other, but it’s become blurred with the passing years, just warm vague memories. I can’t even see her face clearly anymore. I still speak to her parents sometimes and it throws me back, of course. It’s still very hard for them. It’s a giant hole in their lives. For me, it’s been mixed with anger that I haven’t been able to find anything. Then Gail’s daughter finding the photos, Gail sending them to you, and now what you’ve discovered, Mia, it’s hard to take in, but thank you.

“And to think we’re talking about a candidate for mayor of New York City.” He paused. “Mia, listen, Harrington could have easily found out you attended Godwyn University and the years you were a student. He could suspect you were at the rave. You met him recently. Could he be afraid you recognized him?”

“We never met, Tommy. We never even got close at the rave. But I suppose it’s possible. But why would he care enough to try to kill me? Why would a man in Harrington’s position try to kill someone who had nothing she could prove?”

“Think of where he finds himself. He finds out about the photos Gail took that night, the photos you’ve been showing around, the questions about his torn earlobe. That would spook him, scare him. Of course he wouldn’t expect you to print anything without more proof, but even a rumor of what you think he did would derail his campaign in a magic second. Worse, if you could prove any of it. So tell me, do you really believe the driver of the sedan who tried to run you down was some anonymous drunk or addict?”

“I want to, Tommy, I really want to, but... no.”

Tommy was silent a moment. “You’re sure you’re only bruised, no concussion?”

“I’m bruised all over. I look really funny actually, but I’m downing aspirin, and it’s not too bad now.”

“I can’t come up, Mia, I’m too close to finishing up a case here in Washington. But I know someone who can help you, someone who can protect you until I get there. And she’s in New York this very minute.”