He saw color bloom on her face, and there, again, that desperate hope in her eyes. “Yes, you’re right about that. He’s one of five sons, and both of his parents are Marines. He told me surviving his brothers is how he learned his survival skills, that, and the street fighting in all the countries he’s lived in. He speaks street Farsi, Arabic, and some Italian from a Neapolitan grandmother.”

Savich nodded. He’d find out everything about Mike Kingman, including his high school prom date. “Olivia, I think Mike will contact you now, if he can, because whoever is behind this tried to either take you or kill you. He won’t want to leave you in the dark any longer, it’s too dangerous.”

“But I don’t know anything!—not even where he is.”

He took her hands, strong hands, calloused, short buffed nails. “It’s obvious someone believes you do. And that’s why the two men came to your house last night, to take you because they believe you know where Mike is.”

She sighed. “I’ve told you what I think is on the flash drive, but of course I shouldn’t have. Don’t rat me out. Everything at the CIA is held close to the vest, need to know only, which is important for national security.”

“What about your two other team members, Olivia? Are they being protected now?”

“As far as I know, they aren’t, not yet. I had dinner last night with Andrea—Andi—Creamer. Both she and Tim Higgs were debriefed, then put on R&R. Tim was wounded in Iran, but now he’s in Maine visiting his family, so he’s safe.”

“When you were debriefed, what did you tell them about the wounded operative, Hashem, and Mike before the RPG hit?”

“I told them the truth. I still have gaps in my memory. All I can remember is Hashem gave Mike the flash drive, and maybe they spoke because I remember Mike leaning close to him, and yes, I was close by trying to help stanch the chest wound, but if I knew what was said I can’t remember.”

There was so much more to talk about, but Savich could see Olivia was flagging. “I think it’s time for you to call Mr. Grace for the safe house address. It’ll be your home until this is over. After you’ve rested, text me the list of places you’ve looked for Mike. Here’s my private number. Make it one of your emergency numbers.” Savich rose. He watched her take a final bite of cookie, slowly rise. She didn’t move for a moment until she’d steadied. She turned to him and managed to smile. “This is what they call a real SNAFU in the army, right?”

“Looks that way now, but you know what? In the end, in my experience, I bet it will turn out to be straightforward.” He escorted her to the elevator, waited with her. When she got on, he smiled, said, “Olivia, when this is all over, you’ll come to my house for pizza, meet my wife and son, Sean.”