Kent went as pale as his white walls.

Mia said, “You’re remembering, aren’t you? Remembering Alex made a call? It was Alex who would have, because he was always in charge, not you. He was the one with the big-shot friends, not you. You were always the hanger-on. I don’t think you were the one who killed her, Kent, Alex did. He was the one to put the roofie in her drink.

“Were you upset when she died? You were unless you were faking all your gaming fun with Serena that night. And I don’t believe that. I saw the two of you, laughing, carrying on. Are you going to let Alex dominate you forever, until you’re both in prison for life? Don’t you think it’s time you start protecting yourself?”

His eyes locked on Mia. His expression hardened, and when he spoke, he was once again the big boss, the man in charge, his voice low and vicious. “If you dare to print a word of this, Harper and Harrington lawyers will bury you, bury your whole muckraking newspaper. They’ll hound you until you can’t even find a job writing about snowfall in North Dakota. And you, Juliet, if you accuse us of anything at all, we’ll show you’re the bitter, vindictive bitch you are. Your parents will be ostracized, and your precious concert career will be over.”

Mia smiled at him. “That’s a meaty threat, Kent, but you know what? It sounds pretty lame to me after you tried to kill me last night. Or was it Alex who tried to run me down? He knew exactly where I’d be since he had Miles Lombardy buy me a drink.”

Kent stared at her. “Run you down? You believe I tried to kill you? Don’t be ridiculous. Yes, I see some bruises on your face, but I have no idea where you got them. With your mouth, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone you insulted went after you.”

“As I said, either you or Alex was driving that car. Believe me, Kent, I really don’t have any other enemies who would like to do away with me.”

“I did not try to run you down!”

Juliet rose. “The police are tracking the car on the CCTV cams. And they just might see the driver. They might see you, Kent. Listen, Kent, your threats won’t work anymore, it really is over. I’m not paralyzed any longer by what you and Alex did to me. I know now how really vile both of you are. I will do my best to see you both pay.” She paused, cocked her head. “Listen to Mia, Kent. Alex is a monster, and in the end, I suppose you’re his victim, too. It could go much easier for you if you go on record and tell us the truth. Special Agent Sherlock is in the waiting room now. She can help you.”

“I’ve put up with more than enough of this. Get out. You’ll be hearing from my lawyers.”

They left Kent standing in front of his desk when Mia quietly closed the door behind them. She said low, “Pretty much what we expected. Now he’ll be calling Alex.”