Wilde sat forward. “I guess you haven’t figured out yet that Savich tracked down the IP address of the person who’s been sending your instructions to the Trumbos. He didn’t cover his tracks well enough. It doesn’t matter you didn’t put your name on them. We’ll connect them to you, probably through your lawyer. You know what else? I can’t tell you how pleased I am you’re going to be in prison for the rest of your life, and how grateful I am for the small part I’ve played in saving all of us from having to deal with you again.”

Sonja Grayson cleared her throat, bringing Marsia’s eyes to her. “I’m here to inform you, Ms. Gay, that in addition to the charges we’ll be bringing against you in the Trumbo case, the court is scheduling your trial for the attempted murder of Mrs. Venus Rasmussen.”

Marsia sneered. “If you believe these FBI yahoos, you’re not as bright as I thought you were. Without Veronica, you don’t have enough evidence to convict me of anything.”

“You’ll be pleased to know your dear friend Veronica Lake is no longer in critical condition. Her condition is guarded, but it’s likely she’ll survive.” Below the table, Sonja crossed her fingers, said a silent prayer.

Marsia Gay froze. She began shaking her head back and forth. Angela had promised her, right in the heart. She heard her mother’s voice, booze-slurred and mean, I told you Ronald was too weak, told you he’d fold, the little loser. But you never listen, and now it’s all over for you, Daughter.

“No, no, it can’t be all over. No!” The drunk bitch was always telling her she was wrong, she was stupid. Marsia caught herself. She’d die before she showed these people any weakness. She looked at each of them in turn and said easily, “That’s a line from a book. Unlike you Nazis, the book is fascinating.”

Sonja rose and flattened her palms on the table. “Oh yes, Ms. Gay. Finally, I’ll see you in court. Enjoy your book.”

Marsia drew a deep breath and gave them a beautiful smile. “I’d like to see my lawyer now.”