Page 77 of Quarter to Midnight

“So why didn’t you ask me out?”

“Scared, I guess. Plus, busy. And I got burned by women the last time or two. Like I said before, they think it’s romantic to date a chef who’s been on TV. But the reality is a lot of late nights and missed dates.”

“Kind of like a cop-turned-PI?”

He wondered if she dated much but held the question for later. But he would ask if she was single. And if she was, he was taking this as fate and asking her out. They just had to get back to New Orleans in one piece first. “What’s your plan on the Jeep?”

“I was going to create a disturbance so that Willa Mae could take our exit but the BMW couldn’t. With our newest caravan member, I’m not going to be able to do that without endangering traffic. I’m going to need Burke’s help.”

As if on cue, Molly’s burner rang, Burke’s number on the caller ID. Gabe put it on speaker.

“What did you find?” Molly asked.

“You’re not going to believe this. The owner of the Jeep is Cornell Eckert. He’s a hit man. I recognize the name from when I was on the force. Nobody could ever get anything to stick on him. Guy was like Teflon. Word on the street was that he had friends in high places.”

“Within the NOPD, you mean,” Molly clarified.

“Unfortunately, yes. He disappeared shortly before I quit, and at the time nobody knew where he’d gone. And now his car shows up following behind a twenty-two-year-old who someone failed to kill last night. Surprise, surprise.”

“Fucking hell,” Molly muttered. “That changes my plan a little. If the Paul Lott impersonator was planning to bring Xavier back to New Orleans, it won’t hurt to allow him to follow Xavier and the minivan into the city a little ways. I’d like you to take point on the minivan. Coordinate with Xavier and his entourage. Get behind them when they get into the city and block the SUV from following them. I’ll make sure that Mr. Eckert the hit man doesn’t exit the interstate with them.”

Gabe stared at her. “How? Ramming power?”

Her grin was small and quick. “No. I’m not going to endanger the rest of the people on the highway. But he’ll probably get mad at us, so I’ll ask you to duck down when we get close to that point.” His poor opinion of that plan must have shown on his face, because she added, “If he’s following Xavier, he might have orders to take care of you, too.”

A chill raced down Gabe’s back, because while he had thought of that, he hadn’t wanted to. “I hate that footwell.”

“I know you do,” she said soothingly. “I’d hate it, too, if our positions were reversed. But it’ll be easier for me if I don’t have to worry about you getting shot.”

“Eckert’s a good shot, too,” Burke said. “Not sniper-level good, but it’s said that he doesn’t miss what he’s aiming at. He’s careful and leaves no trace. Or at least no trace that can’t be wiped away if you know the right people.”

“I’m beginning to hate those people,” Gabe snarled.

“I’m already there,” Burke said. “I’m going to request backup. I’ve got a call in to André Holmes. That’s Antoine’s brother, Gabe. And you’ll be driving into his jurisdiction. He’s the cop who made sure the right person from the sheriff’s department showed up at your father’s house last night. I’ll let you know if he’s in. Oh, he’s calling now. I’ll call you back.”

Molly was tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. “Can you get Xavier on the phone? He and his friends need to know to watch out for the Jeep.”

Gabe complied, grateful for something concrete to do. “Xavier, it’s Gabe,” he said when the young man picked up. “Molly wants to talk to you. Put it on speaker.”

“What’s wrong?” Xavier asked.

Molly told him about the Jeep, being straight with them that the driver was a hit man. Cicely Morrow made an anguished sound. “Try not to worry, ma’am,” Molly told Cicely. “We’re pulling together a plan. For now, it’s best if Xavier isn’t visible.”

“I’m getting on the floor.” Xavier sounded even more shaken, poor guy. “Mama, you, too.”

“No, that would look even stranger.” Cicely’s voice firmed. “Let him try.”

“Mama!” Xavier hissed. “What the hell?”

“Willa Mae had two,” was all she said.

“Fucking hell,” Xavier muttered.

“Two of what?” Gabe asked.

“You don’t want to know,” Willa Mae called cheerfully. “But we’re good.”

“Fucking hell,” Molly muttered. “Do you guys all have weapons?”