Page 107 of Quarter to Midnight

I can’t pay Eckert’s bail.Not without answering way too many questions. He’d convinced Hodges to represent Eckert through blackmail, pure and simple. Nothing on paper, no funds changing hands. But any money he paid for Eckert’s bail could be traced and he didn’t want any part of that. There were, however, other ways to deal with men threatening to sing like canaries.

Pity. He’d really hoped that Eckert could be his new Stockman.

Luckily, he had more names on that list in his home safe. He considered the possibilities and nodded to himself. He knew exactly who he’d tag next—a cop who’d have access to the holding tank where Eckert was currently hanging out until his arraignment in the morning. A cop who, while not a superstar hit man like Eckert, would suffice. Because I’m accruing quite a list of targets.

He wished now that he hadn’t included Jackass in his plans to rid himself of Rocky Hebert, but he’d needed information that his partner had obtained. I should have just let him handle it. I didn’t need to be there.

Except that he’d wanted to see for himself that the job was done right.

Of course, Jackass had brought Lott with him that night. Jackass’s intention had been to keep Lott quiet by implicating him in the murder, but Lamont hadn’t really trusted him. He’d have offed Lott himself, but Jackass’s people had gotten there ahead of him.

At least Lott was no longer a worry. Unless Jackass was snipping off loose ends.

And I’m one of his loose ends.

Fear washed over him, making him angry—with himself and with his “partner.” He looked out of his car window, wondering where Paul Lott’s killer was at that moment. I’m a sitting duck, stuck here in traffic. Someone could walk by with a gun or a sniper could be waiting on a rooftop.

Suddenly, he couldn’t breathe. Goddammit. He yanked at his tie, unbuttoned the top two buttons on his shirt collar, then sucked in a breath that physically hurt.

“I need to get some air,” he said abruptly. “Please take the car to my house. I’ll walk.” At least he’d be a moving target.

James twisted around to stare at him. “But, sir. That’s a long walk.”

“I need the exercise. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Grabbing his briefcase, he jumped from the car and started walking. If Jackass had plans to eliminate him, he wasn’t going to make it easy.

And the walk would help him clear his mind. It was time he took matters into his own hands.

Eckert had to go.

Xavier Morrow had to go.

Gabe Hebert and his lady PI had to go. And since Burke Broussard probably knew everything they did, he’d have to go, too.

And then, when he was done with all of them, his remaining partner had to go.