Reluctantly, he typed a text to Jackass. Who is the gunman?
It took a few minutes for a reply to come through. None of your concern.
Well, fuck.That just pissed him off. Who? Is it your guy?
He thought of the two arrests made that day. Eckert and the man who’d killed Paul Lott. Eckert was in lockup, but he didn’t know where the other guy was.
And if his gut was right, neither did NOPD. Is your guy secure? he added.
Another few minutes passed as he stared at his phone, willing Jackass to answer.
Yes. Stop bothering me. I’m busy.
You’re busy? You’ll be dead as soon as I can arrange it.Jackass really was named appropriately. Where Is He?!?
Not your concern.
You fucking asshole.TELL ME NOW.
Or what?
Lamont gritted his teeth and punched Jackass’s number.
The man picked up on the third ring. “What part of ‘I’m busy’ can’t you understand?” he snapped.
Lamont glanced at James. The driver was focused on the road, but he still had to be careful. “How did this happen?”
Jackass sighed. “I have my ways, Monty. I got my guy out. I’d be more concerned about the state of your own house, if I were you.”
He glowered. “What does that mean?”
“It means that your boy Eckert has a message for you. He knows who was driving the red truck and he knows he was made. He says that you set him up to get arrested, and that he’d better make bail or he’s gonna sing like a fucking canary. La, la, la, Lamont.”
“He won’t.” Lamont was sure of that. If Eckert squealed, he’d be pleading guilty to murder for hire and that was a federal offense.
“If you say so. But... Well, clearly you know best.”
The mocking tone had Lamont grinding his teeth until his jaw ached. “But what?” he snarled.
James cocked his head but went back to watching the road. Because he was a smart man.
“He just seems like the type to burn everything down.”
Unfortunately, that was accurate. He could see Eckert taking him down, too, if he felt backed into a corner. And if he’s more afraid of the Feds than he is of me. “Thank you for the heads-up.”
“You’re welcome, Monty. What are friends for?”
More mocking. Damn him. “Indeed. What will your employee do?”
The mocking disappeared, replaced with calm, cold certainty. “Whatever I tell him to do.”
Lamont swallowed his snarl. “Which will be what?”
“Not your concern. But I’d stay away from Rocky’s boy’s house if you like your skin where it is on your body rather than burned to a crisp. The lady PI will be with him, so two birds, one stone.”
A shiver raced down his spine and across the skin that he did want to keep uncharred. “Keep me updated.”
“Same goes, Monty.” The mocking was back. “Eckert is due in court tomorrow morning. You should do whatever it is you’re planning to do before then. I have a feeling his bail will be set sky-high. And because we’re partners, if you need help handling him, you just let me know, y’hear?” He ended the call with a chuckle.